Teaching and doing mathematics remotely

March 16, 2020 — October 28, 2021

photon choreography
Figure 1

On the particular online co-working needs of mathematicians.

1 Background

2 Pedagogic practice

Carpentries have some pragmatic tips for teaching computational tasks online, and a COVID update.

samjshah does a high school mathematics teaching roundup.

Figure 2

3 Technical setup

Which gizmos do I need? Sebastian Rieck describes an omnibus setup that looks low-fuss and reasonably affordable: A Simple and Cheap Recording Setup for Online Lecturing. Includes tips for all the part, e.g. microphone, video lighting, tripod…

3.1 For bad internet

Richard Wong suggests how to record things for the bandwidthistically challenged, which realistically includes many students and some teachers. Teaching in the Time of Coronavirus, Part I, notes the importance of managing this by

  • posting your lecture notes online
  • making lecture slides (and posting them online)
  • recording your lecture.

3.2 Whiteboard

See online whiteboards for various freehand options.

Mathcha - Online Math Editor is a mathematics-augmented virtual whiteboard that imports/exports LaTeX.

3.3 Videoconferencing

There are many generic videoconferencing options. I like Jitsi since the other ones are privacy horrors. Social dynamics of online presentation can be tricky.

4 Webcams

See webcams

5 Screencasting

See screen casting/screen capture.

6 Drawing input devices

See stylus input.

7 Math-friendly messaging apps

Not all the chat software supports mathematics.

8 Running a conference

idk. But maybe MiniConf 2020 or similar software is a start. Also this is a community workbook theme: How To Run A Free Online Academic Conference.

9 References

Shoaib Sufi, Aleksandra Nenadic, Rachael Ainsworth, et al. 2020. Guidance for running online training.”