Gaussian processes on lattices

October 30, 2019 — February 27, 2022

dynamical systems
linear algebra
signal processing
state space models
time series
Figure 1

Gaussian Processes with a stationary kernel are faster if you are working on a grid of points. I have not used this trick, but I understand it involves various simplifications arising from the structure of Gram matrices, which end up being Kronecker products of Toeplitz matrices under lexical ordering of the input points. This is long words to describe a fairly simple thing. The keyword to highlight this is Kronecker inference in the ML literature (e.g. ; ; ). Another keyword is circulant embedding, the approximation of a Toeplitz matrix by a circulant matrix, which apparently enables one to leverage fast Fourier transforms to calculate some quantities of interest, and some other nice linear algebra properties besides. That would imply that this method has its origins in Whittle likelihoods (; ), if I am not mistaken.

Lattice GP methods complement, perhaps, the trick of filtering Gaussian processes, which can also exploit structured lattice inputs; the difference AFAICT is mostly one of emphasis.


1 Simulating lattice Gaussian fields with the desired covariance structure

See GP simulation on lattices.

2 In regression

Figure 2

OK, so what does this allow us to do with posterior inference in GPs? Apparently quite a lot. The KISS-GP method () presumably leverages something similar. So do Saatçi () and Flaxman et al. ().

Flaxman et al. () deals with the lattice structure trick in a non-Gaussian likelihood setting using Laplace approximation.


3 Incoming

4 References

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