IO for Julia.
The names are nearly all self-explanatory.
- CSV.jl
- Matlab? MAT.jl
- ProtoBuf.jl does, amazingly, ProtoBuf
- FlatBuffers (like Protobuf but fast, no copying/unpacking)
- Feather.jl (access to the Apache Arrow format used to exchange dataframes)
- RData.jl does R
- NetCDF and NCDatasets both provide access to NetCDF.
- HDF5.jl — see also JLD2.jl which writes a simple HDF5 subset.
- MsgPack.jl (MsgPack is a binary JSON competitor made famous by zerorpc)
- Query.jl provides a LINQ-type query interface to pretty much all the data sources you can imagine anyone having bothered to implement — including ODE solvers (⁉️) and various databases.
- BigArrays.jl provides an array interface over databases, seemingly targeting out-of-memory mathematics.