To-do list for this site
August 24, 2016 — February 7, 2024
How did you get in here? How did you get inside the sausage factory? Watch out for your fingers.
Things I am doing to spruce this place up as part of yak shaving my academic writing workflow.
1 Migrate to Quarto
callouts interact badly with float figuresform formatting broke again
does it still work if I movetheme_images
?migrate comments
reference section should be collapsed by default
figurescaption formatting is suspectfloat images now bump sections, e.g. http://localhost:4321/notebook/epistemic_community.html
remove blue styling such as mouseover links and form buttons blechsite maps, are they submitted?
use utility Shortcodes, esp meta
use Callout Blocks. There are five types of callouts, including: note, tip, warning, caution, and important.
gives them a title.templates:
site title should not be first in page titlesdisplay content warnings and audiencesreinstate usability ratingsstyle extra metadata betterdon’t display ratings on listing pagesnavbar text too paleincredibly, working out how to fix this took literally hours. I’m not sold on this bootswatch thing.
stop github action, publish manuallyinvoke my site scripts in the scripts function
- post render for search index
check thesis artefacts downloadable
exploit about page layoutindex should list all content; no one cares about the blog/notebook distinctioncheck redirects still workreinstate keybase proofusing site resourcescheck.bib
files downloadablewhy does “about” appear twice in the
download linksmore compact citation styledoes contact form work?style form better
do embedded HTML+JS on pages work?
google analytics with opt-out and other webberies
How should I mark some files as scripts?search
go to algolia search upload index? algolia searchcanonical URLsnot possible with current quarto and netlify pretty URLs-
submit events to algolia
should I kill the crawler?make search submission a post
related content
add separator images before and after block elements with special tags
suppress drafts using Conditional Content
2 Promote
As you start routing information and putting out blog posts, you will begin to accumulate connections. Useful information will start to stream toward you, turning you into a small hub yourself. This will allow you to collect and curate information and route it back out, which will allow even more people to connect to you, in a flywheel that lets you do increasingly useful and good work. I especially enjoy it when intelligent people attack me; I then invite them to comment on upcoming drafts.
You can also post to subreddits and forums, like LessWrong or the SlateStarCodex subreddit, that act like intellectual cafés on the internet. Pasting your posts there, it is easy to find community when you are starting out; you don’t have to scream into the void.
3 Maths
4 Mail subscription
- Broken again because Mailerlite removed it from their free plan
- ForBo7 // Salman Naqvi – Adding Subscriptions to a Quarto Site is a good run-through
- How to find and engage your readers
- Feedrabbit: RSS and Atom web feed to email service
MailerLite- Ghost integrations: official apps, plugins & tools
Style using…
5 Reader mode does not work
Why does body text vanish in reader mode? Unsure.
- Enabling “reading mode” on your website
6 link styling
- all the heading metadata on overview pages should be a link.
7 Cursor interactions
9 Webmentions
theming and integration work required.
9.1 ActivityPub
A.k.a. ActivityStreams 2.0. I think this standard is real and is sometimes claimed to subsume comments and webmentions 🤷♂ It looks like there is variable effort involved in enabling the suite of features and widgets here. Verifying my id in ActivityPub is chill. All the mutual sharing of data involves cryptographical signing etc. Out of scope for now.
10 steal tricks from gwern
especially regarding linkrot
11 Citations
render citations as data? Or at least link to the .bib
file? See how radix does this?
Why are citations showing up as a sub div of the last div? Can I change that?
make an explicit header?
11.1 Publications
12 Searching
Get a search I can link to?
Fix Safari search styling.
13 Go to page bundle structure
A lot of work; minimal gain for blogdown AFAICS.
14 Images
halftone This pure CSS one is nice.
- Image Processing and SVGs
- I Just Wanted to Serve Images ·
- Bookdown is Neat and Automation is Hard ·
14.1 Media pipeline
15 Tracker
I would also like to display the most popular pages; that would be fun. I was going to use the netlify analytics api for that, but gave up because
- They did not introduce the API after a year of waiting
- Their traffic tracking data was swamped by content indexing bots.
If I want to work around in the meantime, Jim Nielson shows how.
16 Sort by certainty etc
17 Look nice
I made my own theme; it has various wonderful features such as being simple and easy to understand. However, it has the problem that I am no graphical designer.
17.1 Background
Also, paper texture? Many seamless paper textures here
17.2 Margin notes
- hugo-tufte is a fairly active hugo theme for this. AFAICT it needs deeper support for hugo shortcodes than RMarkdown has
- seems more blogdown-focused
- rmarkdown has built-in support but it’s crazy
8 Social interactions
Some of these are hard to do with my static site — which is to say, hard like ordinary dynamic websites are, not frictionless like my humble static site is.
8.1 link my socials
twitter/github icons
8.2 site metadata
HEAD documents the recommended tags for maximising social spread and suchlike from a website.