Coarse graining

November 12, 2014 — December 2, 2015

machine learning

AFAICT, this is the question ‘how much worse do your predictions get as you discard information in some orderly fashion?’, as framed by physicists.

Do “renormalisation groups”, whatever they are, fit in here? Fast-slow systems?

The ML equivalent seems to be multi-fidelity modelling.

1 Persistent homology

What’s that? Petri et al. (2014):

Persistent homology is a recent technique in computational topology developed for shape recognition and the analysis of high dimensional datasets.… The central idea is the construction of a sequence of successive approximations of the original dataset seen as a topological space X. This sequence of topological spaces \(X_0, X_1, \dots{}, X_N = X\) is such that \(X_i \subseteq X_j\) whenever \(i < j\) and is called the filtration.

3 Incoming

  • jkbren/einet: Uncertainty and causal emergence in complex networks

    Python code for calculating effective information in networks. This can then be used to search for macroscale representations of a network such that the coarse grained representation has more effective information than the microscale, a phenomenon known as causal emergence. This code accompanies the recent paper: Klein and Hoel (2020)

4 References

Bar-Sinai, Hoyer, Hickey, et al. 2019. Learning Data-Driven Discretizations for Partial Differential Equations.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Bar-Yam. 2003. Dynamics Of Complex Systems.
Castiglione, and Falcioni. 2008. Chaos and Coarse Graining in Statistical Mechanics.
Hoel. 2017. When the Map Is Better Than the Territory.” Entropy.
Hoel, Albantakis, Marshall, et al. 2016. Can the Macro Beat the Micro? Integrated Information Across Spatiotemporal Scales.” Neuroscience of Consciousness.
Hoel, Albantakis, and Tononi. 2013. Quantifying Causal Emergence Shows That Macro Can Beat Micro.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Kelly, and Melbourne. 2014. Deterministic Homogenization for Fast-Slow Systems with Chaotic Noise.”
Klein, and Hoel. 2020. The Emergence of Informative Higher Scales in Complex Networks.” Complexity.
Noid. 2013. “Perspective: Coarse-Grained Models for Biomolecular Systems.” The Journal of Chemical Physics.
Petri, Expert, Turkheimer, et al. 2014. Homological Scaffolds of Brain Functional Networks.” Journal of The Royal Society Interface.
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