
Minimalist scientific workbook

July 14, 2023 — July 14, 2023

computers are awful
faster pussycat
how do science
information provenance
plain text
premature optimization
Figure 1

A scientific workbook based on jupyter kernels and pandoc. Looks much simpler, and therefore potentialy less horrible, than jupyter.

Perhaps a close cousin to quarto.

Comparison with Jupyter, knitr, and Pweave from the project website:

Codebraid Jupyter Notebook knitr Pweave
multiple programming languages per document ✓* ✓† ✓*
multiple independent sessions per language
inline code execution within paragraphs
no out-of-order code execution ✓‡
no markdown preprocessor or custom syntax
minimal diffs for easy version control
insert code output anywhere in a document
can divide code into incomplete snippets
support for literate programming
compatible with any text editor

1 References

Poore. 2019. Codebraid: Live Code in Pandoc Markdown.” Proceedings of the 18th Python in Science Conference.