
On the hypothesis that it is easier to understand walking if you have legs

January 2, 2015 — December 30, 2024

Figure 1

When people talk about embodiment, they are questioning if the body is a necessary part of the mind.

There are many hypotheses one could pose about that. Whether the abstractions used in our more obscure cognitive processes are constrained in a comprehensible way by the kind of experiences our bodies give us is… complicated to unpack. For an interesting (but infuriatingly overbearing) attempt to work this through, see Lakoff (). For a less ambitious and probably more defensible one, see Clark (). I don’t think Clark ultimately says anything that would surprise a control system engineer.

1 Strong embodiment

“No mind without a body can be sentient.” Looks like a ragged hypothesis in the era of foundation models, tbh.

2 Weak embodiment

“Cognition is distributed between mind and environment and only makes sense in that context.”

3 References

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