Learning Gaussian processes which map functions to functions

December 7, 2020 — February 25, 2022

Hilbert space
how do science
kernel tricks
machine learning
stochastic processes
time series

In which I discover how to learn operators via GPs. I suspect a lot of things break; What is a usable gaussian distribution over a mapping between functions?

Figure 1

It might be handy here to revisit the notation for Bayesian nonparametrics, since we don’t get the same kind of setup as when the distributions in question are finitely parameterised. TBC

1 Universal Kriging

Does universal kriging fit in this notebook? (Menafoglio, Secchi, and Rosa 2013) In this setting our observations are function-valued and we wish to spatially interpolate them. TBC. Keyword: Hilbert-Kriging. See Júlio Hoffimann’s Hilbert-Kriging lecture.

2 Hilbert-space valued GPs


3 References

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