Figure 1

Nothing to see yet apart from some links I don’t have time to inspect.

1 Topical

2 Application to problems in ML

See Quantum ML.

3 Courses

Scott Aaronson’s lecture notes on quantum computing now available as preprint textbook Useful leads from the intro:

I don’t pretend that these notes break any new ground. Even if we restrict to undergrad courses only (which rules out, e.g., Preskill’s legendary notes), there are already other great quantum information lecture notes available on the web, such as these from Berkeley (based on a course taught by, among others, my former adviser Umesh Vazirani and committee member Birgitta Whaley), and these from John Watrous in Waterloo. There are also dozens of books—including Mermin’s, which we used in this course. The only difference with these notes is that … well, they cover exactly the topics I’d cover, in exactly the order I’d cover them, and with exactly the stupid jokes and stories I’d tell in a given situation. So if you like my lecturing style, you’ll probably like these, and if not, not (but given that you’re here, there’s hopefully some bias toward the former).

4 Emulations, languages, trial runs

5 References

Arute, Arya, Babbush, et al. 2019. Quantum Supremacy Using a Programmable Superconducting Processor.” Nature.
Bernstein. 2009. Introduction to Post-Quantum Cryptography.” In Post-Quantum Cryptography.
de Wolf. 2017. The Potential Impact of Quantum Computers on Society.” arXiv:1712.05380 [Quant-Ph].
Montanaro. 2016. Quantum Algorithms: An Overview.” Npj Quantum Information.
Preskill. 2018. Quantum Computing in the NISQ Era and Beyond.” arXiv:1801.00862 [Cond-Mat, Physics:quant-Ph].
Wang, Qin, Ding, et al. 2019. Boson Sampling with 20 Input Photons in 60-Mode Interferometers at 1014 State Spaces.” arXiv:1910.09930 [Cond-Mat, Physics:physics, Physics:quant-Ph].