The internet of essays
November 1, 2008 — November 6, 2022
The blog roll of blogs/substacks/mediums etc. that I subscribe to. Apparently, I should mention that reading blogs is a distinct activity from agreeing with or endorsing the opinions of their authors, and thus this list is not a list of people I agree with. The criteria for inclusion in this list are that the blog in question should have written more than one interesting (to me) thing, and also for me to believe they might write more interesting things in the future. Additionally, it helps if they are pleasant to read and have a good signal-to-noise ratio.
For tips on how to use a blogroll, you might want to check feed readers. There is also a machine-readable OPML
which you could import into your own feed reader, which would be much easier than clicking on hundreds of links, IMO, but you live your own life.
1 Specialists
These are people producing content in my technical field, or at least near to it.
- arg min blog (feed)
- Large Scale Machine Learning and Other Animals (feed)
- inclusion/exclusion (feed)
- Posts on John Myles White (feed)
- Michele Coscia (feed)
- Machined Learnings (feed)
- studywolf (feed)
- Turing’s Invisible Hand (feed)
- The Living Thing / Notebooks (feed)
- English – Heidelberg Laureate Forum (feed)
- Finn Upham (feed)
- Daniel Nouri’s Blog (feed)
- Economics from the Top Down (feed)
- A Narrow Margin (feed)
- Atlas of Wonders and Monsters (feed)
- The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog (feed)
- Axiom of Chance (feed)
- ITBio – Chris Aldrich (feed)
- Glimpses of a fascinating world (feed)
- on (feed)
- Power Overwhelming (feed)
- Thinking inside the box (feed)
- Knowing and Making (feed)
- Onionesque Reality (feed)
- David Childers on David Childers (feed)
- Gregory Gunderson (feed)
- Lil’Log (feed)
- pkofod (feed)
- QuantStrat TradeR (feed)
- Construction Physics (feed)
- Strange Weather (feed)
- Systemic Risk and Systematic Value (feed)
- Ronin Institute (feed)
- Intuition Machine (feed)
- Machine Intelligence Research Institute (feed)
- blog :: Brent -> [String] (feed)
- Easily Distracted (feed)
- foreXiv (feed)
- my slice of pizza (feed)
- Numerical Methods Guy » Feed (feed)
- Bayesian Spectacles (feed)
- Scientific American Blog: Roots of Unity (feed)
- Stats Chat (feed)
- Andrej Karpathy blog (feed)
- FreakTakes (feed)
- Naetverk (feed)
- Apple Machine Learning Research (feed)
- A Mind for Madness (feed)
- Implementing QuantLib (feed)
- Quantoisseur (feed)
- Yuling Yao’s Blog (feed)
- FastML (feed)
- Mathematics and Computation (feed)
- Information is Beautiful (feed)
- Math Scholar (feed)
- Information Ashvins (feed)
- Disquisitiones Mathematicae (feed)
- Noncommutative Geometry (feed)
- Minimizing Regret (feed)
- 大トロ (feed)
- My Biased Coin (feed)
- Walking Randomly (feed)
- Critical Inference (feed)
- E. Kowalski’s blog (feed)
- The Matroid Union (feed)
- Chase the Devil on Chase the Devil (feed)
- Chad Scherrer (feed)
- Praveen’s Blog (feed)
- Machine Thoughts (feed)
- OpenAI (feed)
- Revolutions (feed)
- Machine Learning Research Blog (feed)
- The Kernel Trip (feed)
- (feed)
- The Aperiodical (feed)
- Win-Vector (feed)
- The Ideophone (feed)
- Yufei Zhao’s blog (feed)
- Ehud Reiter’s Blog (feed)
- Models Of Reality (feed)
- Folk the Algorithms (feed)
- Physics of Risk - All posts - RSS Feed (feed)
- Digithead’s Lab Notebook (feed)
- Secret Blogging Seminar (feed)
- Count Bayesie - A Probability Blog (feed)
- Rick’s Ramblings (feed)
- Symptoms Of The Universe (feed)
- Jay Alammar (feed)
- Thoughts (feed)
- Dr Kevin Bonham (feed)
- Gödel’s Lost Letter and P=NP (feed)
- Scott’s Substack (feed)
- Neil Lawrence’s Homepage (feed)
- Mechanical Markets (feed)
- Almost Sure (feed)
- Publishable Stuff (feed)
- inFERENCe (feed)
- Keunwoo Choi (feed)
- Gowers’s Weblog (feed)
- Statistical Odds & Ends (feed)
- Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (feed)
- Statistical Horizons (feed)
- A Fine Theorem (feed)
- This Blog is Systematic. (feed)
- free range statistics (feed)
- Shtetl-Optimized (feed)
- colah’s blog (feed)
- Yet Another Math Programming Consultant (feed)
- An Ergodic Walk (feed)
- Yanir Seroussi (feed)
- Good Math/Bad Math (feed)
- The Intrepid Mathematician (feed)
- The Aperiodical » Travels in a Mathematical World Category Feed (feed)
- Gaël Varoquaux (feed)
- Mathematics without Apologies, by Michael Harris (feed)
- Journal of Machine Learning Research (feed)
- MixedMath - explorations in math and programing (feed)
- The Leisure of the Theory Class (feed)
- Iconicmath (feed)
- On Brains, Minds, And Their Possible Uses (feed)
- Robin Ryder’s blog (feed)
- Mad (Data) Scientist (feed)
- bayesianbiologist (feed)
- regularize (feed)
- Serendipity (feed)
- Radical Statistics Group (feed)
- Ingmar’s research blog (feed)
- atdotde (feed)
- Nelson’s Weblog (feed)
- Banach’s Algorithmic Corner (feed)
- Libres pensées d’un mathématicien ordinaire (feed)
- The Spectator (feed)
- Structural insight (feed)
- Windows On Theory (feed)
- Algorithmic Fairness (feed)
- Depth First Learning (feed)
- totallydisconnected (feed)
- Algorithmic Economics, AI & Other Topics (feed)
- DDI (feed)
- Yuge Shi (feed)
- Nick Higham (feed)
- Information Transfer Economics (feed)
- Harvard ML Foundations (feed)
- Fight Entropy (feed)
- Betalog - Daniel Litt (feed)
- Bcc (feed)
- Dr. Erin Buchanan (feed)
- The Mermaid’s Tale (feed)
- Suprageography (feed)
- Oddly Shaped Pegs (feed)
- On Teaching and Learning Mathematics (feed)
- What’s New Under the Sun (feed)
- cartesian product (feed)
- John D. Cook (feed)
- homunculus (feed)
- The OG Clever Machine (feed)
- Research and Lecture notes (feed)
- Severely Theoretical (feed)
- Freakonometrics (feed)
- Parameter-free Learning and Optimization Algorithms (feed)
- New Science (feed)
- A Field Guide to Mathematics (feed)
- Compressive Sensing, Advanced Matrix Factorization and more (feed)
- Low Dimensional Topology (feed)
- Gradient Flow (feed)
- Quomodocumque (feed)
- Stories by Andrej Karpathy on Medium (feed)
- Blackboard Bold – The Aperiodical (feed)
- Of All Trades (feed)
- WintonCentre (feed)
- Eventually Almost Everywhere (feed)
- Hyndsight on Rob J Hyndman (feed)
- The Good Science Project (feed)
- Continuous Everywhere but Differentiable Nowhere (feed)
- Patrick Emami (feed)
- Doing Bayesian Data Analysis (feed)
- Annual Reviews: Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application: Table of Contents (feed)
- Chris McCormick (feed)
- (feed)
- Complexes (feed)
- Microsoft Research (feed)
- μβ (feed)
- Adventures in Computation (feed)
- Replicability-Index (feed)
- Syed Ashar Javed (feed)
- Chronicles of Harry (feed)
- Shravan Vasishth’s Slog (Statistics blog) - Atom (feed)
- Statistics Across Campuses (feed)
- Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science (feed)
- The Math Less Traveled (feed)
- i am trask (feed)
- Nicebread (feed)
- 11011110 (feed)
- Richard Zach (feed)
- Jordi Pons (feed)
- AI Snake Oil (feed)
- Mathematical Investor (feed)
- From the bottom of the heap (feed)
- Otium (feed)
- The Financial Hacker (feed)
- Neuroscience, stats, and coding (feed)
- Olof Mogren (feed)
- Bayes’ Food Cake (feed)
- (feed)
- Mystical Silicon (feed)
- sdenisov (feed)
- What’s new (feed)
- Snigdha’s Substack (feed)
- Chris Stucchio (feed)
- Notebooks (feed)
- Jaan (feed)
- Johannes Lederer » Feed (feed)
- Rob Salomone » Feed (feed)
- Paul Goldberg (feed)
- Escaping Flatland (feed)
- Blog on math blogs (feed)
- Bunnyhopping (feed)
- Communications of the ACM - Artificial Intelligence (feed)
- Darren Wilkinson’s research blog (feed)
- Mathematics under the Microscope (feed)
- Systematic Edge (feed)
- AI Impacts (feed)
- Ergodicity Economics (feed)
- The polymath blog (feed)
- Data Colada (feed)
- Causal Analysis in Theory and Practice (feed)
- Biased and Inefficient (feed)
- Not Even Wrong (feed)
- Yihui’s Blog on Yihui Xie (feed)
- Chaitanya’s Random Pages (feed)
- Peekaboo (feed)
- Systematic Learning (feed)
- Weblog (feed)
- Data Skeptic (feed)
- Sorta Insightful (feed)
- Christian Wibisono (feed)
- r y x, r (feed)
- Cirrostratus Whispers (feed)
- Noncommutative Analysis (feed)
- Eigenfoo (feed)
- Academic Quant News (feed)
- The McLegibilist (feed)
- Mapping Ignorance (feed)
- Alexander Terenin (feed)
- neuroecology (feed)
- Talking Machines (feed)
- Some Thoughts on a Mysterious Universe (feed)
- in theory (feed)
- Theory, Evolution, and Games Group (feed)
- Communications of the ACM: blog@CACM (feed)
- Mathematics – Chris Aldrich (feed)
- The 100% CI (feed)
- Ian Bicking: a blog (feed)
- Theory Dish (feed)
- (feed)
- MyCQstate (feed)
- Maxim Berman’s personal site (feed)
- Pieter Belmans (feed)
- Tamás K. Papp (feed)
- GIS and Agent-Based Modeling (feed)
- Piekniewski’s blog (feed)
- Jeremy Jordan (feed)
- Scientific Memo (feed)
- Invenia Blog (feed)
- An Algorithmic Lucidity (feed)
- Variance Explained (feed)
- Peter Norvig (feed)
- Dan Cohen (feed)
- The Practical Quant (feed)
- Blog on Bastian Rieck’s personal homepage (feed)
- Knowing and Making (feed)
- Bayesian Investor Blog (feed)
- Seita’s Place (feed)
- A Computer Scientist in a Business School (feed)
- Intersections – Poetry with Mathematics (feed)
- Computational Complexity (feed)
- AMS Feature Column (feed)
- Strenge Jacke! (feed)
- cleverhans-blog (feed)
- The Numerical Methods Guy (feed)
- Travels in a Mathematical World – The Aperiodical (feed)
- Eric Jang (feed)
- Engraved (feed)
- Clueless Fundatma (feed)
- apenwarr (feed)
- Cambridge Machine Learning Group (feed)
- eon (feed)
- Statistical Science & Related Matters on Less Likely (feed)
- Pinboard (cshalizi) (feed)
- My Choices (Oded Goldreich) (feed)
- Sander Dieleman (feed)
- Dorien Herremans, Research Blog (feed)
- John’s blog (feed)
- Graduate Descent (feed)
- AMS News (feed)
- Kevin’s Blog (feed)
- Agustinus Kristiadi’s Blog (feed)
- Electric Archaeology (feed)
- Sociology and Complexity Science blog (feed)
- Azimuth (feed)
- Wes McKinney (feed)
- Rob J Hyndman (feed)
- Random Access Music (feed)
- Structure+Strangeness (feed)
- Persiflage (feed)
- Dekalog Blog (feed)
- Stories by Alexandr Honchar on Medium (feed)
- Adam Kosiorek (feed)
- De Novo (feed)
- (feed)
- Numerai (feed)
- Mad for Simplicity (feed)
- Radford Neal’s blog (feed)
- Mathematical Odds & Ends (feed)
- The Universe of Discourse (feed)
- Estadistika (feed)
- XOR’s Hammer (feed)
- Noncommutative Geometry (feed)
- Punk Rock Operations Research (feed)
- Sydney ACM SIGGRAPH (feed)
- (feed)
- Computational Media Lab (feed)
- Isohedral (feed)
- Stochastic Lifestyle (feed)
- Tanya Khovanova’s Math Blog (feed)
- NLP News (feed)
- Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing (feed)
- magenta.tensorflow/xml (feed)
- Better Posters (feed)
- Locklin on science (feed)
- The Gradient (feed)
- Creativity in Mathematics (feed)
- Deepmind Latest Post (feed)
- Applied Topology (feed)
- Musings about machine learning and other things (feed)
- The Accidental Mathematician (feed)
- scatterplot (feed)
- Short, Fat Matrices (feed)
- SymOmega (feed)
- Barefoot Math (feed)
- Import AI Newsletter Archive Feed (feed)
- B.log - RSS feed (feed)
- Dr. Sebastian Raschka (feed)
- Code and Culture (feed)
- The Programmable City (feed)
- Evonomics (feed)
- Terra Incognita (feed)
- Nuit Blanche (feed)
- DataGenetics (feed)
- Theory Matters (feed)
- Secretorum (feed)
- The Thesis Whisperer (feed)
- The 20% Statistician (feed)
- I’m a bandit (feed)
- Yanir Seroussi (feed)
- Jonathan Manton’s Blog (feed)
- Louis Tiao (feed)
- Learning for sustainability (feed)
- DC’s Improbable Science (feed)
- The Big Data Theory (feed)
- Sebastian Ruder (feed)
- Memo’s Island (feed)
- Tim Dettmers (feed)
- David Richeson: Division by Zero (feed)
- FOSS Trading (feed)
- Alexandre Afonso (feed)
- Annual Reviews: Annual Review of Economics: Table of Contents (feed)
- Justin Domke’s Weblog (feed)
- adaptivecomplexity’s blog (feed)
- Machine Learning Blog | ML@CMU | Carnegie Mellon University (feed)
- Martin Grandjean (feed)
- Dr Adrian Beaumont (feed)
- Dr. Juan Camilo Orduz (feed)
- Anima on AI (feed)
- Maximum Progress (feed)
- Adam Ozimek - We’re economists covering everything economics. (feed)
- Bounded Rationality (feed)
- While My MCMC Gently Samples (feed)
- Three-Toed Sloth (feed)
- Statisfaction (feed)
- Distill (feed)
- 최근우 (Keunwoo Choi) (feed)
- { lh.hantrakul } | Research Blog (feed)
- Approximately Correct (feed)
- Possibly Wrong (feed)
- The Geomblog (feed)
- Yufei Zhao (feed)
- SquareCirclez (feed)
- The Lunar Society (feed)
- Sex, Drugs and Data (feed)
- Probably Overthinking It (feed)
- Igor Pak’s blog (feed)
- Math with Bad Drawings (feed)
- (feed)
- Sevvandi Kandanaarachchi (feed)
- Eran Raviv (feed)
- Off the convex path (feed)
- Nathan Brixius (feed)
- Cheap Talk (feed)
- Decision Science News (feed)
- HuggingFace (feed)
- Math ∩ Programming (feed)
2 Pundits
- Palladium (feed)
- AI Snake Oil (feed)
- Radar Trends – Radar (feed)
- DYNOMIGHT (feed)
- Melting Asphalt (feed)
- Tom Slee (feed)
- Knowable Magazine (feed)
- Gene Expression (feed)
- Eleanor’s Iceberg (feed)
- The Pull Request (feed)
- Dangerous Precedents (feed)
- Four Short Links - O’Reilly Media (feed)
- INCERTO (feed)
- mathbabe (feed)
- The hoodinternet (feed)
- Stratechery by Ben Thompson (feed)
- Commoncog (feed)
- Some Bits: Nelson’s Linkblog (feed)
- Steven Landsburg | The Big Questions: Tackling the Problems of Philosophy with Ideas from Mathematics, Economics, and Physics (feed)
- Mystical Silicon (feed)
- Lean Out with Tara Henley (feed)
- Snigdha’s Substack (feed)
- Economics from the Top Down (feed)
- Atlas of Wonders and Monsters (feed)
- Malcolm Ocean (feed)
- (feed)
- Science Fictions (feed)
- Welcome to Dancoland (feed)
- The Kid Should See This (feed)
- A Flood of Ideas (feed)
- AI Weirdness (feed)
- Strange Flowers (feed)
- benn.substack (feed)
- Brute Reason (feed)
- Escaping Flatland (feed)
- Ribbonfarm Studio (feed)
- Bunnyhopping (feed)
- Model Citizen (feed)
- (feed)
- (feed)
- Overthinking Everything (feed)
- Sarah Thorneycroft (feed)
- Spencer Greenberg (feed)
- argmin gravitas (feed)
- 99% Invisible (feed)
- Put A Number On It! (feed)
- Paul Graham: Unofficial RSS Feed (feed)
- stronglikewater RSS Feed (feed)
- The Racket (feed)
- Applied Divinity Studies (feed)
- Scarfolk Council (feed)
- (feed)
- Knowingless (feed)
- Construction Physics (feed)
- Unpopular Front (feed)
- kwokchain (feed)
- Mostly Harmless (feed)
- Cold Takes (feed)
- Undark Magazine (feed)
- Quillette (feed)
- Almost No One is Evil. Almost Everything is Broken. (feed)
- (feed)
- Make Things. Make Sense. (feed)
- Infovores Newsletter (feed)
- Nadia Asparouhova (feed)
- Marginally Compelling (feed)
- Hivewired (feed)
- Ziggurat (feed)
- Andart II (feed)
- FreakTakes (feed)
- Lauren Weinstein’s Blog (feed)
- Fantastic Anachronism (feed)
- jwz (feed)
- Cirrostratus Whispers (feed)
- unfeesable (feed)
- The Time of Monsters (feed)
- The Monkey Cage (feed)
- Real Life (feed)
- { feuilleton } (feed)
- Men Yell at Me (feed)
- The McLegibilist (feed)
- Mind Matters (feed)
- The Tally Room (feed)
- Perspectives: Past, Present, and Future, by Patrick Wyman (feed)
- (feed)
- The Null Device (feed)
- Otium (feed)
- Counting Atoms (feed)
- Epistemink (feed)
- Joseph Carlsmith RSS Feed (feed)
- Alex Danco’s Newsletter (feed)
- Tiny Actions. Multiplied. (feed)
- The whole sky (feed)
- Stories by Seb Chan on Medium (feed)
- Richard Hanania’s Newsletter (feed)
- Glenn Loury (feed)
- Mind & Matter (feed)
- The Scholar’s Stage (feed)
- Letters of Note (feed)
- Meaningness - Better ways of thinking, feeling, and acting—around problems of meaning: self, society, ethics, purpose, and value (feed)
- The Urbanist (feed)
- Justin Blanton (feed)
- Anti-Mimetic (feed)
- Radimentary (feed)
- TK News by Matt Taibbi (feed)
- Merlyna’s Bits of Bytes (feed)
- but she’s a girl… (feed)
- Colossal (feed)
- Adam Greenfield’s Speedbird (feed)
- BearLamp (feed)
- Present Discontents (feed)
- The Connector (feed)
- Singal-Minded (feed)
- Kaj Sotala (feed)
- Get Together (feed)
- David R. MacIver (feed)
- Good Optics (feed)
- West Hunter (feed)
- Jonathan Stray (feed)
- Michael Nielsen (feed)
- The Digital Cuttlefish (feed)
- Ben Landau-Taylor (feed)
- 🌀🗞 The FLUX Review (feed)
- The Ruffian (feed)
- Blog on Eli Dourado (feed)
- Caribunkle (feed)
- Robert Reich (feed)
- The Weekly Dish (feed)
- Sarah Constantin (feed)
- Works in Progress (feed)
- Noahpinion (feed)
- Skeptic (feed)
- It Bears Mentioning (feed)
- Thing of Things (feed)
- Astral Codex Ten (feed)
- I Might Be Wrong (feed)
- Knowingless (feed)
- Unstable Ontology (feed)
- The Intrinsic Perspective (feed)
- Margins by Ranjan Roy and Can Duruk (feed)
- Stories by Byrne Hobart on Medium (feed)
- Everything Studies (feed)
- Naked Capitalism (feed)
- Minds aren’t magic (feed)
- Paul Graham: Essays (feed)
- Video City (feed)
- Insight (feed)
- Throwanotherbearinthecanoe Newsletter (feed)
- (feed)
- Kicks Condor (feed)
- Slate Star Codex (feed)
- Bryan Caplan – Econlib (feed)
- Robin Sloan (feed)
- Traditions of Conflict (feed)
- Accidentally in Code (feed)
- Daniel Miessler (feed)
- Nautilus (feed)
- Handwaving Freakoutery (feed)
- Adam Elkus (feed)
- The Green Dragon (feed)
- Stories by Tom Whitwell on Medium (feed)
- 3 Quarks Daily (feed)
- Just the social facts, ma’am (feed)
- Damn Interesting (feed)
- Nonzero Newsletter (feed)
- Greta Christina’s Blog (feed)
- Nintil (feed)
- blarg? (feed)
- Freddie deBoer (feed)
- DRMacIver’s notebook (feed)
- Agile Learning (feed)
- On Brains, Minds, And Their Possible Uses (feed)
- Matt Lakeman (feed)
- Particular Virtue (feed)
- Chaoyang Trap (feed)
- Don’t Worry About the Vase (feed)
- ErrantScience (feed)
- Compass Rose (feed)
- Information Processing (feed)
- things magazine (feed)
- Glenn Greenwald (feed)
- Thinking Complete (feed)
- shlegeris (feed)
- 250bpm (feed)
- Elaine’s Idle Mind (feed)
- world spirit sock puppet (feed)
- Qualia Computing (feed)
- ribbonfarm (feed)
- qwerky science (feed)
- Brad DeLong’s Grasping Reality (feed)
- Monomythical (feed)
- The Diff (feed)
- A Future Worth Thinking About (feed)
- Rational Newsletter (feed)
- Autotranslucence (feed)
- Full Stack Economics (feed)
- Hapgood (feed)
- CZEdwards’ Broadsheet (feed)
- Strange Loop Canon (feed)
- Newsletter (feed)
- Austin Vernon (feed)
- Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow (feed)
- Nicholas Gruen (feed)
- Secretorum (feed)
- TRustworthy social media (feed)
- Social Studies (feed)
- The Roots of Progress (feed)
- Carcinisation (feed)
- GrokInFullness (feed)
- Agenty Duck (feed)
- Read Max (feed)
- Meteuphoric (feed)
- Apricitas Economics (feed)
- Chartbook (feed)
- Imperfect Information (feed)
- Articles – Contexts (feed)
- Radar (feed)
- Luke Muehlhauser (feed)
- sam[ ]zdat (feed)
- Sarah Constantin (feed)
- What’s New Under the Sun (feed)
- Sam Altman (feed)
- The Scintillating But Ultimately Untrue Thought (feed)
- Optimize Literally Everything (feed)
- Crypto Island (feed)
- Ironic Sans (feed)
- Experimental History (feed)
- Stephen Malina (feed)
- Peter Turchin (feed)
- Alex Burns (feed)
- Overcoming Bias (feed)
- Samstack (feed)
- Remains of the Day (feed)
- (feed)
- Massive Science (feed)
- socializing finance (feed)
- Aceso Under Glass (feed)
- Rodney Brooks (feed)
- Resident Contrarian (feed)
- The sideways view (feed)
- Maximum Progress (feed)
- Tim Harford (feed)
- Persuasion (feed)
- Age of Invention, by Anton Howes (feed)
- Things Of Interest (feed)
- Future (feed)
- Of All Trades (feed)
- Popula (feed)
- Thing of Things (feed)
- Datablog | The Guardian (feed)
- Idle Words (feed)
- We Make Money Not Art (feed)
- Belles Lettres, Deutsch für Dichter und Denker (feed)
- Stories by Bruce Sterling on Medium (feed)
- nothing is mere (feed)
- (feed)
- The Good Science Project (feed)
- Econlib (feed)
- Anil Dash (feed)
- Stories by Anil Dash on Medium (feed)
- Zero HP Lovecraft (feed)
- The Lunar Society (feed)
- Be Wrong (feed)
- Eukaryote Writes Blog (feed)
- Tools of the Trade (feed)
3 Making things
- Alex McLean (feed)
- The Mega Super Awesome Visuals Company (feed)
- Field Stations and Outposts of Anaphoria Island (feed)
- Joseph Wilk (feed)
- Michael Gogins (feed)
- TOPLAP (feed)
- My New Blog (feed)
- Urs Heckmann (feed)
- skynoise (feed)
- Blog - Hand Coded (feed)
- _disinformasi (feed)
- Music Machinery (feed)
- Reaktor Tips (feed)
- Vimeo / Kyle McDonald’s videos (feed)
- Designing Sound (feed)
- Latest entries for (feed)
- Journal (feed)
- Writing In Case (feed)
- Research and Development (feed)
- noyzelab (feed)
- Steve Lambert (feed)
- ccMixterblog (feed)
- Tiny Helpers (feed)
- Ben Bogart - Art & Ideas (feed)
- pfh blogs (feed)
- Peter Blamey (feed)
- Renoise blogs (feed)
- George’s (feed)
- ccMixter (feed)
- Analog Industries (feed)
- CreativeApplications.Net (feed)
- (feed)
- MTF Labs (feed)
- Near Future Laboratory (feed)
- samuel james (feed)
- Moogulator (feed)
- Music Technology Group (feed)
- Coding, Sounds and Colors (feed)
- little-scale (feed)
- h e x l e r . n e t (feed)
- f0blog (feed)
- (feed)
- DJ TechTools (feed)
- raven – postfolkrocktronica by Peter Hollo (feed)
- Rob Myers (feed)
- Blog – Hackaday (feed)
- Integra Lab (feed)
- algorave (feed)
- Freedom Math Dance (feed)
- fabric | rblg (feed)
- Unidentified Sound Object (feed)
- Pelican Development Blog (feed)
- Julia Evans (feed)
- Attack Magazine (feed)
- The Freesound Blog (feed)
- Andrea Valle (feed)
- Chris McCormick - News (feed)
- Ashby & Co. (feed)
- Binary Heap (feed)
- Schemawound (feed)
- f0blog - supercollider (feed)
- Procrastineering - Project blog for Johnny Chung Lee (feed)
- Everything is a Remix (feed)
- (feed)
- Comments on: pustota (feed)
- Untuition (feed)
- PIA BLOGS (feed)
4 Make your own automatic blogroll
This is the script I use to generate a blogroll from my OPML, a.k.a. my list of feed.
#! /usr/bin/env python3
Parse OPML into markdown static/feeds.opml | xclip -selection clipboard
import sys
import re
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from smartypants import smartypants, Attr
ATTRS = Attr.D | Attr.e | Attr.q | Attr.u
def main(fname):
with open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fp:
tree = ElementTree.parse(fp)
for cat_node in tree.find('body').findall('outline'):
print("\n## {}\n".format(cat_node.get('title', '').strip()))
for node in cat_node.findall('outline'):
name = smartypants(node.attrib.get('text', '').strip(), ATTRS)
name = name.replace("_", r"") # underscores upset the pandoc parser
line = "* {}".format(name)
url = node.attrib.get('htmlUrl', '')
if len(url)>0:
line = "* [{}]({})".format(name, url)
feedurl = node.attrib.get('xmlUrl', None)
line += " ([feed]({}))".format(feedurl)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Your feed reader can likely import that OPML and subscribe you to all of these at once, if you want to swim in the same waters I do