Distances between Gaussian distributions

Nearly equivalent to distances between symmetric positive definite matrices

June 27, 2016 — May 3, 2023

high d
linear algebra
signal processing
Figure 1

Since Gaussian approximations pop up a lot in e.g. variational approximation problems, it is nice to know how various probability metrics come out for them.

Since the “difficult” part of the problem is the distance between the covariances, this often ends up being the same, or at least closely related to the question of matrix norms, where the matrices in question are the positive (semi-)definite covariance/precision matrices.

1 Wasserstein

A useful analytic result about Wasserstein-2 distance, i.e. W2(μ;ν):=infE(XY22)1/2 for Xν, Yμ. Two Gaussians may be related thusly ():


In the centred case this is even simpler:


2 Kullback-Leibler

Pulled from wikipedia:


In the centred case this reduces to


3 Hellinger

Djalil defines Hellinger distance


via Hellinger affinity


For Gaussians, it apparently turns out that


In multiple dimensions:


4 “Natural” / geodesic

High-speed introduction to geometry of distances: Moakher and Batchelor (), which discusses the problems of comparing covariance matrices on a natural manifold.

The geodesic distance between P and Q in P(n) is given by Lang () dR(P,Q)=log(P1Q)F=[i=1nlog2λi(P1Q)]1/2, where λi(P1Q),1in are the eigenvalues of the matrix P1Q. Because P1Q is similar to P1/2QP1/2, the eigenvalues λi(P1Q) are all positive and hence [this] is well defined for all P and Q of P(n).

5 Maximum mean discrepancy

With the Gaussian kernel, there is a closed-form expression for the distance of an RV from the standard Gaussian ().

The computation of the MMD requires specifying a positive-definite kernel; in this paper we always assume it to be the Gaussian RBF kernel of width γ, namely, k(x,y)=exy2/(2γ2). Here, x,yRd, where d is the dimension of the code/latent space, and we use to denote the 2 norm. The population MMD can be most straightforwardly computed via the formula (): MMD2(P,Q)=Ex,xP[k(x,x)]2ExP,yQ[k(x,y)]+Ey,yQ[k(y,y)]

[U]sing the sample Qn={zi}i=1n of size n, we replace the last two terms by the sample average and the U-statistic respectively to obtain the unbiased estimator: MMDu2(Nd,Qn)=Ex,xNd[k(x,x)]2ni=1nExNd[k(x,zi)]+1n(n1)i=1njink(zi,zj) Our main result is the following proposition whose proof can be found in Appendix C: Proposition. The expectations in the expression above can be computed analytically to yield the formula: MMDu2(Nd,Qn)=(γ22+γ2)d/22n(γ21+γ2)d/2i=1nezi22(1+γ2)+1n(n1)i=1njinezizj22γ2

Extending this to arbitrary Gaussians, or analytic Gaussians, is left as an exercise.

Intuitively, we might prefer other kernels than the RBF if we are comparing Gaussians specifically; in particular, the RBF is “wasteful” in that it controls moments of all orders, whereas we might only care about the first two moments (mean and covariance), for Gaussians.

6 Infinite-dimensional Gaussian measures

Gets much weirder, but we care about this in Function-valued GPs. See (, , , ).

7 References

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