Placeholder for bookmarking minimalistic UI things I occasionally think I might need
cannerycoders/imgui-njs: Immediate Mode GUI for browser and electron environments.
LVGL is a stripped-down graphics/UI library
A minimal cross-platform application-wrapper library:
- unified application entry
- single window or canvas for 3D rendering
- 3D context initialization
- event-based keyboard, mouse and touch input
- supported platforms: Win32, MacOS, Linux (X11), iOS, WASM, Android, UWP
- supported 3D-APIs: GL3.3 (GLX/WGL), Metal, D3D11, GLES3/WebGL2
WebAssembly is a ‘first-class citizen.’ One important motivation for the Sokol headers is to provide a collection of cross-platform APIs with a minimal footprint on the web platform while still being useful.
The core headers are standalone and can be used independently from each other.
A blog post with more background info: A Tour of sokol_gfx.h