Not: what you hope to get from the newspaper. (Although…) Rather: Different types of (formally defined) entropy/information and their disambiguation. The seductive power of the logarithm, and convex functions rather like it.
A proven path to publication is to find or reinvent a derived measure based on Shannon information, and apply it to something provocative-sounding. (Qualia! Stock markets! Evolution! Language! The qualia of evolving stock market languages!)
This is purely about the analytic definition given random variables, not the estimation theory, which is a different problem.
Connected also to functional equations and yes, statistical mechanics, and quantum information physics.
1 Connection to statistics
See Shalizi, Note: Information Theory, Axiomatic Foundations, Connections to Statistics.
Many connections, not always clear because the continuous probability spaces of statistics are far from the discrete spaces of coding theory. Nonetheless, there are contacts, most glaringly via the K-L divergence.
2 Shannon Information
“I have a discrete random process, how many bits of information do I need to reconstruct it?”
Vanilla information, thanks be to Claude Shannon. A thing related to coding of random processes.
Given a random variable
More generally if we have a measure
Over at the functional equations page is a link to Tom Leinster’s clever proof of the optimality of Shannon information via functional equations.
One interesting aspect of the proof is where the difficulty lies. Let
be continuous functions satisfying the chain rule; we have to show that is proportional to . All the effort and ingenuity goes into showing that is proportional to when restricted to the uniform distributions. In other words, the hard part is to show that there exists a constant such that
for all
Venkatesan Guruswami, Atri Rudra and Madhu Sudan, Essential Coding Theory.
3 K-L divergence
Because “Kullback-Leibler divergence” is a lot of syllables for something you use so often. Or you could call it the “relative entropy”, if you want to sound fancy and/or mysterious.
KL divergence is defined between the probability mass functions of two discrete random variables,
More generally, if the random variables have laws, respectively
4 Jenson-Shannon divergence
Symmetrised version. Have never used.
5 Mutual information
The “informativeness” of one variable given another… Most simply, the K-L divergence between the product distribution and the joint distribution of two random variables. (That is, it vanishes if the two variables are independent).
Now, take
Then the mutual information
Estimating this one has been giving me grief lately, so I’ll be happy when I get to this section and solve it forever. See nonparametric mutual information.
Getting an intuition of what this measure does is handy, so I’ll expound some equivalent definitions that emphasise different characteristics:
More usually we want the Conditional Mutual information.
See Christopher Olah’s excellent visual explanation.
6 Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy
Schreiber says:
is obtained by coarse graining a continuous system at resolution , the entropy and entropy rate will depend on the partitioning and in general diverge like when . However, for the special case of a deterministic dynamical system, may exist and is then called the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy. (For non-Markov systems, also the limit needs to be taken.)
That is, it is a special case of the entropy rate for a dynamical system — Cue connection to algorithmic complexity. Also metric entropy?
7 Relatives
7.1 Rényi Information
Also, the Hartley measure.
You don’t need to use a logarithm in your information summation. Free energy, something something. (?)
The observation that many of the attractive features of information measures are simply due to the concavity of the logarithm term in the function. So, why not whack another concave function with even more handy features in there? Bam, you are now working on Rényi information. How do you feel?
7.2 Tsallis statistics
Attempting to make information measures “non-extensive”. “q-entropy”. Seems to have made a big splash in Brazil, but less in other countries. Non-extensive measures are an intriguing idea, though. I wonder if it’s parochialism that keeps everyone off Tsallis statistics, or a lack of demonstrated usefulness?
7.3 Fisher information
See maximum likelihood and information criteria.
8 Estimating information
Wait, you don’t know the exact parameters of your generating process a priori? You need to estimate it from data.