Krylov subspace iteration

Power method, pagerank, Lanczos decomposition, …

August 5, 2014 — October 16, 2024

feature construction
functional analysis
high d
linear algebra
signal processing
sparser than thou

Assumed audience:

People with undergrad linear algebra

Figure 1

1 Power iteration

The simplest possible variant.

2 Lanczos decomposition

Lanczos decomposition is a handy approximation for matrices that are cheap to multiply because of some structure, but expensive to store. It can also be used to calculate an approximate inverse cheaply.

I learnt this trick from Gaussian process literature in the context of Lanczos Variance Estimates (LOVE) (), although I believe it exists elsewhere.

Given some rank k and an arbitrary starting vector b, the Lanczos algorithm iteratively approximates KRn×n by a low-rank factorisation KQTQ, where TRk×k is tridiagonal and QRn×k has orthogonal columns. Crucially, we do not need to form K to evaluate matrix-vector products Kb for an arbitrary vector b. Moreover, with a given Lanczos approximand Q,T we may estimate K1cQT1Qc. even for bc. Say we wish to calculate (ZZ+σ2I)1B, with ZRD×N and ND.

We approximate the solution to this linear system using the partial Lanczos decomposition starting with probe vector b=B and K=(ZZ+σ2I).

This requires k matrix-vector products of the form (ZZO(ND2)+σ2I)bO(D2)=Z(Zb)O(ND)O(ND)+σ2b. Using the latter representation, the required matrix-vector product may be found with a time complexity cost of O(ND). Space complexity is also O(ND). The output of the Lanczos decomposition is Q,T such that (ZZ+σ2I)bQTQb. Then the solution to the inverse-matrix-vector product may be approximated by (ZZ+σ2I)1BQT1QB. requiring the solution in X of the much smaller linear system XT=Q. Exploiting the positive-definiteness of T we may use the Cholesky decomposition of T=LL for a constant speedup over solving an arbitrary linear system. The time cost of the solution is O(Dk3), for an overall cost to the matrix inversions of O(NDk+Dk3).

make more precise; we may have missed some multiplies and Lanczos overhead, plus deviation calcs

Lifehack: Find derivatives of Lanczos iterations via pnkraemer/matfree: Matrix-free linear algebra in JAX. ().

3 Incoming

4 References

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