Randomised linear algebra

August 16, 2016 — October 22, 2022

feature construction
functional analysis
high d
linear algebra
model selection
probabilistic algorithms
signal processing
sparser than thou
Figure 1

See random matrices, vector random projections and many other related tricks Notes on doing linear algebra operations using randomised matrix projections. Useful for, e.g. randomised regression.

1 Context

Obligatory Igor Carron mention: Random matrices are too damn large. Martinsson () seems to be a fresh review of the action.

2 Log det and trace estimation

Machine Learning Trick of the Day (3): Hutchinson’s Trick — Shakir Mohammed

3 Random Fourier Features

See Random Fourier Features.

4 Randomisation in matrix factorization

See various matrix factorisation methods.

5 Random regression

See randomised regression

6 Hutchinson trace estimator

Shakir Mohamed mentions Hutchinson’s Trick, and was introduced to it, as I was, by Dr Maurizio Filippone. This trick also works efficiently with the ensemble Kalman filter, where the randomised products are cheap.

7 Stochastic Lanczos Quadrature

Overview — imate Manual

8 Tools

8.1 imate

Overview — imate

The main purpose of ımate is to estimate the algebraic quantity trace(f(A)) where A is a square matrix, f is a matrix function, and trace () is the trace operator. Imate can also compute variants of (1), such as trace(Bf(A)) and trace(Bf(A)Cf(A)) where B and C are matrices. Other variations include the cases where A is replaced by AA in the above expressions.

8.2 Misc

9 References

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