The source of a goodly chunk of our world’s protein! A source of great inspiration for horrorists.

I am interested in marine biology for many reasons: because I find fish tasty, because the ocean will play a key role in the climate crisis, and because fish are cool and weird.

Figure 1

1 Dark fish

2 Decaying health of oceans

3 References

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Bijma, Pörtner, Yesson, et al. 2013. Climate Change and the Oceans – What Does the Future Hold? Marine Pollution Bulletin, The Global State of the Ocean; Interactions Between Stresses, Impacts and Some Potential Solutions. Synthesis papers from the International Programme on the State of the Ocean 2011 and 2012 Workshops,.
Gjerde, Currie, Wowk, et al. 2013. Ocean in Peril: Reforming the Management of Global Ocean Living Resources in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.” Marine Pollution Bulletin, The Global State of the Ocean; Interactions Between Stresses, Impacts and Some Potential Solutions. Synthesis papers from the International Programme on the State of the Ocean 2011 and 2012 Workshops,.
Hutchinson, Lyons, Thain, et al. 2013. Evaluating Legacy Contaminants and Emerging Chemicals in Marine Environments Using Adverse Outcome Pathways and Biological Effects-Directed Analysis.” Marine Pollution Bulletin, The Global State of the Ocean; Interactions Between Stresses, Impacts and Some Potential Solutions. Synthesis papers from the International Programme on the State of the Ocean 2011 and 2012 Workshops,.
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Pitcher, and Cheung. 2013. Fisheries: Hope or Despair? Marine Pollution Bulletin, The Global State of the Ocean; Interactions Between Stresses, Impacts and Some Potential Solutions. Synthesis papers from the International Programme on the State of the Ocean 2011 and 2012 Workshops,.