A method of charging you licensing fees to use the CPU you already bought
June 13, 2016 — December 13, 2017
computers are awful
linear algebra
signal processing
Suspiciously similar content
MATLAB: A programming language designed for heavy numerical computation, but variably well-designed for that.
Like R, it is a mess as a programming language. Like R, it is powerful. Unlike R, it is expensive.
Unless you have compelling reasons, you should probably just use julia, which is free and faster in my experience, and looks very similar.
1 Practical stuff
- MATLAB style guide
- Neil Lawrence’s matlab sweave hacks
- Marking up MATLAB comments for publishing
- Pythonista? See numpy for MATLAB users for a translation guide.
- Alternatively: Vidar Bronken Gundersen, Thesaurus of Mathematical Languages, or MATLAB synonymous commands in Python/NumPy
- Using MATLAB in a real application (i.e. one with tenable UI and OS integration) is apparently supported: MATLAB for Java and .NET.