Mixtures where the target is the predictor-conditional posterior density, by likelihood weighting of each sub-model. Non-likelihood approaches are referenced in model averaging or neural mixtures.
Bayesian Inference with Mixture Priors
When dealing with Bayesian inference where the prior is a mixture density, the resulting posterior distribution will also generally be a mixture density.
Assume the prior for is a mixture of densities with mixture weights , where :
Using Bayes’ theorem, the posterior distribution of given data is:
Substituting the mixture prior into Bayes’ theorem gives:
The numerator of the posterior can be expanded as:
The marginal likelihood is computed using the law of total probability:
where is defined as:
The final form of the posterior is:
This can be further simplified to a mixture form:
where the posterior weights are:
and is the component-specific posterior for , updated based on the -th component of the prior:
The posterior distribution is a mixture of the component-specific posteriors , with each component weighted by . These weights are updated based on the explanatory power of each component regarding the observed data , adjusted by the original prior weights .
In Bayesian inference, using a mixture prior leads to a posterior that is also a mixture, effectively combining different models or beliefs about the parameters, each updated according to its relative contribution to explaining the new data.
Under mis-specification
See M-open for a discussion of the M-open setting.
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