Placeholder. I knew little about the Low Countries, but between my abiding interest in Indonesia, the jewel in the former Dutch trading empire, and the fact that I live in Australia, a country discovered for Europe by the Dutch, and my obsession with the Dutch Rijksmuseum, I confess I have intrigued myself.
1 Inventions of capitalism
Many early features of capitalism started in the Netherlands.
- Financial bubbles (Het Groote Tafereel Der Dwaasheid … Familien En Persoonen Van Hooge En Lage Stand Zyn Geruineerd, En in Haar Middelen Verdorven, En De Opregte Negotie Gestremt, Zo in Vrankryk, Engeland Als Nederland … Gedrukt Tot Waarschouwinge Voor De Nakomelingen in ’t Noodlottige Jaar, Voor Veel Zotte En Wyze 1720)
- Capital-friendly religion (Tawney 1926)
2 References
Tawney. 1926. Religion and the Rise of Capitalism.