Politics as statistical learner

January 30, 2022 — February 17, 2022

collective knowledge
Figure 1: A Centrifugal Governor, the origin point both of cybernetic theory and signal processing thanks to James Clerk Maxwell’s analysis.

In mind-as-ml I wondered whether statistical learning models can give us insight into the individual human mind. Here I wonder if we can learn anything about humans en masse from statistical analogies. Probably, since this spans Herbert Simon’s interests, I should be ransacking his work more thoroughly.

1 Greedy algorithms as pragmatism

Contrast with utopian ideals as analytic solutions.

2 Game theory

Institutions and adversarial robustness.

3 Learning agents

See sociology of information.

4 Federated learning

5 Machines of loving grace

The cybernetics folks. Politics as operations research. Insert Adam Curtis documentary here, and a brief history of Operations Research.

TODO: Mention Pigs for the Ancestors, and the Water Temples (; ; ).

6 Loss functions and public risk aversion

Which experiments do we permit the state to do?

Figure 2

7 Legibility and labelled data sets

Which census category do you fit in and which benefits do you reap thereby? Affirmative action, Trans-exclusionary Radical Feminists etc.

8 Evolutionary learning in institutions

9 Dimension reduction of politics

See political axes

10 References

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