Precision matrix estimation

Especially Gaussain

November 16, 2014 — October 3, 2022

functional analysis
Hilbert space
kernel tricks
sparser than thou
Figure 1

Estimating the inverse of the covariance matrix means estimating the precision matrices.

Two big data problems can arise here: large p (ambient dimension) and large n (sample size). Large p is a problem because the covariance matrix is a p×p matrix and we often need to invert it to calculate some target estimand.

1 The obvious way

Estimate the covariance matrix then invert it. This is the baseline. 🏗


3 Bayesian

🏗 Wishart priors?

4 Penalised

5 Structured

6 Iterative approximation

Saad ()

6.1 Conjugate gradients

6.2 Lanczos

7 References

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