
You’re standing in it

January 24, 2020 — July 13, 2022

Southeast Asia
Figure 1: A set of handsome historical Australian wildflower tiles! Buy this as a sticker why not?

A country I was born in. I do love it, even though sometimes it seems healthier for our relationship to have some time apart.

This is a page for think-pieces on the theme of what-even-is-Australia.

[…] even the most privileged stumble on the invisible trip-wires beneath the surface. Networks, history, custom, class, and race make the seemingly familiar more complicated, at times confounding. Change, ambition, and doing things differently are surprisingly hard in a place that is at once cosmopolitan and provincially deferential, young and ancient, in Asia but not of it, without much history yet brimming with it. ()

Figure 2: The complicated founding myth of Australia wrapped up in one uncomfortable package.

1 Incoming

Handy reference to Finding the traditional owners of land.

2 References

Schultz. 2022. The Idea of Australia: A search for the soul of the nation.