Compressed sensing and sampling

A fancy ways of counting zero

August 18, 2014 — June 14, 2017

functional analysis
linear algebra
model selection
probabilistic algorithms
signal processing
sparser than thou
Figure 1

Higgledy-piggledy notes on the theme of exploiting sparsity to recover signals from few non-local measurements, given that we know they are nearly sparse, in a sense that will be made clear soon.

See also matrix factorisations, restricted isometry properties, Riesz bases

1 Basic Compressed Sensing

I’ll follow the intro of (), which tries to unify many variants.

We attempt to recover a signal xkRd from mn measurements yk of the form


or, as a matrix equation,


where A is the m×d stacked measurement matrices, and the z terms denote i.i.d. measurement noise.

Now, if x is a sparse vector, and A satisfies a restricted isometry property or something then we can construct an estimate x^ with small error by minimizing

x^=minx˙1 subject to Ax˙y2<ε,

where ε>z22.

In the lecture notes on restricted isometry properties, Candès and Tao talk about not vectors xRd but functions f:GC on Abelian groups like G=Z/dZ, which is convenient for some phrasing, since then when I say my signal is s-sparse, it means that its support suppf~=SG where |S|=s.

In the finite-dimensional vector framing, we can talk about best sparse approximations xs to non-sparse vectors, x.


where all the coefficients apart from the s largest are zeroed.

The basic results find attractive convex problems with high probability in a nest of nastier ones. There are also greedy optimization versions, which are formulated as above, but no longer necessarily a convex optimization; instead, we talk about Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, Iterative Thresholding and some other stuff the details of which I do not yet know, which I think pops up in wavelets and sparse coding.

For all of these the results tend to be something like

with data y, the difference between my estimate of x^ and x^oracle is bounded by something-or-other where the oracle estimate is the one where you know ahead of time the set S=supp(x).

Candés gives an example result


conditional upon


where this δs() gives the restricted isometry constant of a matrix, defined as the smallest constant such that (1δs(A))x22Ax22(1+δs(A))x22 for all s-sparse x. That is, the measurement matrix does not change the norm of sparse signals “much”, and in particular, does not null them when δs<1.

This is not the strongest bound out there apparently, but for any of that form, those constants look frustrating.

Measuring the restricted isometry constant of a given measurement matrix is presumably hard, although I haven’t tried yet. But generating random matrices that have a certain RIC with high probability is easy; that’s a neat trick in this area.

2 Redundant compressed sensing

🏗 For now see Frame theory.

3 Introductory texts

4 …Using random projections

Classic. Notes under low dimensional projections

5 …Using deterministic projections

Surely this is close to quasi monte carlo?

  • Dustin G. Mixon Achieving the Welch bound with difference sets

    I blogged about constructing harmonic frames using difference sets. We proved that such harmonic frames are equiangular tight frames, thereby having minimal coherence between columns. I concluded the entry by conjecturing that incoherent harmonic frames are as good for compressed sensing as harmonic frames whose rows were randomly drawn from the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix

  • A variant on the compressed sensing of Yves Meyer

    recent work of Yves Meyer might be relevant:

    • A variant on the compressed sensing of Emmanuel Candes, Basarab Matei and Yves Meyer

    • Simple quasicrystals are sets of stable sampling, Basarab Matei and Yves Meyer

    These papers are interesting because their approach to compressed sensing is very different. Specifically, their sparse vectors are actually functions of compact support with sufficiently small Lebesgue measure. As such, concepts like conditioning are replaced with that of stable sampling, and the results must be interpreted in the context of functional analysis. The papers demonstrate that sampling frequencies according to a (deterministic) simple quasicrystal will uniquely determine sufficiently sparse functions, and furthermore, the sparsest function in the preimage can be recovered by L1-minimization provided it’s nonnegative.

6 Bayesian

Sparse Bayes can be tricky. See, perhaps, Bayesian Compressive Sensing.

7 Phase transitions

How well can you recover a matrix from a certain number of measurements? In obvious metrics there is a sudden jump in how well you do with increasing measurements for a given rank. This looks a lot like a physical phase transition, which is a known phenomenon in ML. Hmm.

8 Weird things to be classified

csgm, () compressed sensing using generative models, tries to find a model which is sparse with respect to… some manifold of the latent variables of… a generative model? or something?

Sparse FFT.

9 References

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