Discrete time Fourier and related transforms

Also, chirplets, z-transforms, chromatic derivatives…

October 16, 2019 — October 16, 2019

functional analysis
Hilbert space
signal processing
sparser than thou

Care and feeding of Discrete Fourier transforms (DTFT), especially Fast Fourier Transforms, and other operators on discrete time series. Complexity results, timings, algorithms, properties. These are useful in a vast number of applications, such as filter design, time series analysis, various nifty optimisations of other algorithms etc.

1 Chirp z-transform

Chirplets, one-sided discrete Laplace transform related to damped sinusoid representation. (; )

A recent publication () shows that these are as tractable as FFTs to invert, which is to say, very. I will read the paper and see if that is as useful to me as it seems like it might be. (The paper has a lot of elementary proofreading errors, which is a bad start.)


2 Windowing the DTFT

(; ; )


3 Chromatic derivatives

(; ; ; , , )


4 References

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