Fitness health

Getting swole and/or deferring death

January 17, 2015 — December 13, 2022


Various notes on fun uses for one’s body, and maintenance thereof. For workplace harm minimisation see ergonomics.

Figure 1: My bodyweight training regime

1 Strength training

GMB workouts are fun, as are their guides, e.g. handstands. I’m currently trying to work through their muscle up tutorial. See Menno Henselmanns Optimal program design 2.0. Interesting takeaway: Body-builders are not very good at empirically informed workout design, despite having all the data to hand.

1.1 Food for strength training

Startlingly it is not clear when you should eat protein, but probably big chunks of it all the time is a good idea? e.g. New study: A more even protein distribution can improve your gains. I am not invested enough in this to optimise excessively, how about I just eat healthy stuff I like?

Figure 2

2 Workout apps

Which apps are good for tracking and planning exercise?

I’m currently enjoying Fitbod (affiliate link) which uses some kind of basic but effective regression modelling to suggest optimal workouts. That they want to call this “AI” should not dissuade you; we all need to do unsavoury things to make a living.

Previously I have used JEFIT, YAYOG, Strong.

Figure 3

3 Flexibility

3.1 PNF stretching

i.e. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (; ). Evidential backing looks good, although I cannot always work out how to find a PNF stretch for a given muscle group.

4 Data-backed, personalised interventions

See quantified self, biomarkers.

5 Incoming

6 References

Benden, Zhao, Jeffrey, et al. 2014. The Evaluation of the Impact of a Stand-Biased Desk on Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity for Elementary School Students.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Feng, Yang, Liang, et al. 2023. Associations of timing of physical activity with all-cause and cause-specific mortality in a prospective cohort study.” Nature Communications.
Gregory, Kumar, Stein, et al. 2015. Potassium citrate decreases bone resorption in postmenopausal women with osteopenia: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial.” Endocrine Practice: Official Journal of the American College of Endocrinology and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.
Hindle, Whitcomb, Briggs, et al. 2012. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF): Its Mechanisms and Effects on Range of Motion and Muscular Function.” Journal of Human Kinetics.
Jehle, Hulter, and Krapf. 2013. Effect of potassium citrate on bone density, microarchitecture, and fracture risk in healthy older adults without osteoporosis: a randomized controlled trial.” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Mandsager, Harb, Cremer, et al. 2018. Association of Cardiorespiratory Fitness With Long-Term Mortality Among Adults Undergoing Exercise Treadmill Testing.” JAMA Network Open.
Melville, Siegler, and Marshall. 2017. The Effects of d-Aspartic Acid Supplementation in Resistance-Trained Men over a Three Month Training Period: A Randomised Controlled Trial.” PLoS ONE.
Mograss, Crosetta, Abi-Jaoude, et al. n.d. Exercising Before a Nap Benefits Memory Better Than Napping or Exercising Alone.” Sleep.
Roshanzamir, and Safavi. 2017. The Putative Effects of D-Aspartic Acid on Blood Testosterone Levels: A Systematic Review.” International Journal of Reproductive Biomedicine.
Sharman, Cresswell, and Riek. 2006. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching : mechanisms and clinical implications.” Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.).
Tainio, de Nazelle, Götschi, et al. 2016. Can Air Pollution Negate the Health Benefits of Cycling and Walking? Preventive Medicine.
Tufano, Brown, Coburn, et al. 2012. Effect of Aerobic Recovery Intensity on Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness and Strength.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association.