IPython was the first mass-market interactive python upgrade. The python-specific part of jupyter, which can also run without jupyter. Long story. But think of it as a REPL, a CLI-style execution environment, that is a little friendlier than naked python and has colourisation and autocomplete and such. And also is complex in confusing ways.
Here are some notes for its care and feeding.
1 ipython config
To configure python we need a config profile
IPython config is per-default located in
2 Debugger
This is all built upon ipython
so you invoke the debugger ipython-style, specifically:
from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer; Tracer()() # < 5.1
from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace; set_trace() # >= v5.1
See also generic python debugging.
3 Pretty display of objects
3.1 ipython rich display
Check out the ipython rich display protocol which allows us to render objects as arbitrary graphics. This extends the __str__()
and __repr__()
Methods from ordinary python.
Rich display is especially useful in the jupyter frontends, which permit graphics. Some examples:
- nbviewer examples of how to use that are helpful.
- lovely-numpy displays many array types (e.g. numpy, pytorch etc) gracefully.
- The Ipython display protocol was what I used to create
which can display arbitrary latex inline.
How to display my own things nicely? The display API docs explain that you should implement methods on my objects such as, e.g., _repr_svg_
This is how the latex_fragment
library works, for example:
def _figure_data(self, format):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(self.data, 'o')
data = print_figure(fig, format)
# We MUST close the figure, otherwise
# IPython’s display machinery
# will pick it up and send it as output,
# resulting in double display
return data
# Here we define the special repr methods
# that provide the IPython display protocol
# Note that for the two figures, we cache
# the figure data once computed.
def _repr_png_(self):
if self._png_data is None:
self._png_data = self._figure_data('png')
return self._png_data
4 Memory leak via output history
IPython’s history obsession points out that big memory allocations can hang around in jupyter (well, ipython) for quite a while.
So the output from line 12 can be obtained as
. If you accidentally overwrite the Out variable you can recover it by typingOut=_oh
at the prompt.This system obviously can potentially put heavy memory demands on your system, since it prevents Python’s garbage collector from removing any previously computed results. You can control how many results are kept in memory with the configuration option
. If you set it to 0, output caching is disabled. You can also use the%reset
magics to clear large items from memory.
- in jupyter, execute
%config ZMQInteractiveShell.cache_size = 0
; although this does not work in all jupyter front ends - edit the config file and add
5 Autocomplete breaks in ipython
The ecosystem that supports tab-completion is fragile and lackadaisical. Most recently for me, autocomplete was broken because the sensitive dependencies of jedi
are managed by cowboys. The fix for that particular version was