My current hometown.
1 Flesh-eating bacteria
- Flesh-eating bacteria encroach upon Melbourne: Buruli in Victoria
2 “Naarm”
The city is reputedly known as Naarm in the Boonwurrung and Woiwurrung languages (although it is complicated). Naarm has advantages in that the way local English-speakers pronounce Melbourne is baffling to outsiders, and disadvantages in that it has little brand recognition. Also, I suspect that the way English speakers say ‘Naarm’ is incorrect1 The very-woke use ‘Naarm’ exclusively. Anti-woke hipsters use ‘Melbourne’ exclusively. I personally think that arguments about naming things are a quagmire and will call this city whatever the current context demands.
3 Veg boxes
4 Incoming
Melbourne’s density drops precipitously from high-rises to single-family homes, with very little medium density between. Melbourne’s Missing Middle’s signature recommendation—a new Missing Middle Zone—would enable six-storey, mixed-use development on all residential land within 1 kilometre of a train station and 500 metres of a tram stop—building an interconnected network of 1,992 high-amenity, walkable neighbourhoods.
Melbourne’s Missing Middle envisions Parisian streetscapes across all of inner urban Melbourne, along our train and tram lines and near our town centres. Gentle, walk-up apartments, abundant shopfronts, sidewalk cafes and sprawling parks replacing unaffordable and unsustainable cottages.
However, the Woiwurrung language seems to have no native speakers, so this likely annoys fewer people.↩︎