Model averaging, model stacking, model ensembling

On keeping many incorrect hypotheses and using them all as one goodish one

June 20, 2017 — July 23, 2023

model selection
Figure 1: Witness the Feejee mermaid

Train a bunch of different models and use them all. Fashionable in the form of blending, stacking or staging in machine learning competitions, but also popular in classic frequentist inference as model averaging or bagging.

I’ve seen the idea pop up in disconnected areas recently. Specifically: a Bayesian heuristic for dropout in neural nets, AIC for frequentist model averaging, Neural net ensembles, boosting/bagging, and in a statistical learning context for optimal time series prediction.

This vexingly incomplete article points out that something like model averaging might work for any convex loss thanks to Jensen’s inequality.

Two articles (; ) point out that model averaging and combination are not the same and the difference is acute in the M-open setting.

1 Mixtures of models

See mixture models.

2 Stacking

Alternate fun branding: “super learning”. Not actually model averaging, but looks pretty similar if you squint.

Breiman (); Clarke (); T. Le and Clarke (); Naimi and Balzer (); Ting and Witten (); Wolpert (); Yao et al. (); Y. Zhang et al. ()

3 Bayesian stacking

As above, but Bayesian. Motivates suggestive invocation of M-open machinery. (; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , ).

4 Forecasting

Time series prediction? Try ensemble methods for time series.

5 References

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