Multi fidelity models

Data-driven multi-scale sampling, multi-resolution, super-resolution

August 23, 2020 — November 20, 2023

machine learning
Figure 1: The pun here is too delicious for me not to use this 1885 cartoon; yes, I am aware that marital dynamics amongst adherents of the LDS are not quite those that the gentleman depicted seems to believe; I am not here to endorse the opinions of fictional 19th century drunkards.

At the collision of coarse graining, sampling theory, and variational inference, we have multi-fidelity modeling, which attempts to harness the efficiency of lower-precision and higher-precision models together. This name is a Machine Learning name; I presume that this concept has been invented many times under other names, which I will add when I learn them. Possibly one of those names is learnable coarse graining.

1 GP methods

Much to say. For now, see the fascinatingly extended version in Xing, Wang, and Xing ().

2 Super resolution

An interesting and charismatic special case. Resolution is a special case of multi-fidelity modeling, where the lower-fidelity model is a low-resolution version of the higher-fidelity model; typically, when we talk about resolution, we are concerned specifically with a discrete lattice approximation, which is a fancy person’s way of saying pixels. This is a one-way process, going from a coarse model to a fine model, although often learning downsampling can be instrumentally helpful.

Figure 2

3 Physics constraints


4 From data alone


5 With transformers

Just heard about this. TBD.

6 As coarse-graining

See coarse graining

7 References

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