Matrix- and vector-valued generalizations of Gamma processes

October 14, 2019 — March 2, 2022

linear algebra
Lévy processes
stochastic processes

Processes that generalize Gamma processes to take vector or matrix values.

Figure 1

We start by considering trivial processes that have an empty index set, i.e. multivariate gamma distributions. So here is the simplest multivariate case:

1 Vector Gamma process

How can we turn a multivariate gamma distribution into a vector-valued gamma process?

An associated Lévy process is easy. Are there any Ornstein-Uhlenbeck-type processes?

2 Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Dirichlet process

TBD. Is that what Griffin () achieves?

3 Wishart processes

Wishart distributions are commonly claimed to generalize Gamma distributions, although AFAICT they are not so similar. “Wishart processes” are indeed a thing (; ); although the Wishart distribution is not a special case of these it seems (?). It generalises the square Bessel process, which is marginally χ2 distributed.

4 Inverse Wishart

Does the Inverse Wishart Process relate? (; ) 🚧TODO🚧 clarify

5 HDP Matrix Gamma Process

Matrix-valued Lévy-Gamma process analogue. See (), which uses the multivariate construction of Pérez-Abreu and Stelzer () to construct a family of matrix-variate Gamma processes. That construction is extremely general, somewhat abstract, and is easy to handle usually only through its Lévy measure.

5.1 AΓ Process

Meier, Kirch, and Meyer () mentions a construction less general than the HDP Matrix Gamma which is nonetheless broad and quite useful. We could think of it as the tractable HDP:

A special case of the Gammad×d(α,λ) distribution is the so-called AΓ distribution, that has been considered in Pérez-Abreu and Stelzer () and generalized to the Hpd setting in (). To elaborate, the AΓ(η,ω,Σ) distribution is defined with the parameters η>d1,ω>0 and Σ Sd+ as the Gammad×d(αη,Σ,λΣ) distribution, with αη,Σ(dU)=|Σ|ηtr(Σ1U)dηΓ(dη)Γ~d(η)1|U|ηddU, where Γ denotes the Gamma function and Γ~d the complex multivariate Gamma function (see ), and λΣ(U)=tr(Σ1U). It has the advantage that for XAΓ(η,ω,Σ), the formulas for mean and covariance structure are explicitly known: EX=ωdΣ,CovX=ωd(ηd+1)(ηId2+H)(ΣΣ), where H=i,j=1dHi,jHj,i and Hi,j being the matrix having a one at (i,j) and zeros elsewhere, see ( Lemma 2.8). Thus the AΓ-distribution is particularly well suited for Bayesian prior modelling if the prior knowledge is given in terms of mean and covariance structure.

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