t-processes, t-distributions

November 9, 2021 — November 24, 2021

Hilbert space
kernel tricks
Lévy processes
stochastic processes
time series
Figure 1

Stochastic processes with Student-t marginals. Much as Student-t distributions generalize Gaussian distributions, t-processes generalize Gaussian processes. Another useful member of the family of elliptically contoured distributions.

1 Multivariate Student-t

The multivariate t (MVT) distribution Xtp(μ,Σ,v), with location μ, scale matrix Σ, and degrees of freedom v, has the probability density function f(x)=Γ{(v+p)/2}Γ(v/2)(vπ)p/2|Σ|1/2{1+v1(xμ)Σ1(xμ)}(v+p)/2. There is a cool relationship to the multivariate normal: X=μ+Σ1/2Z/q, where Z follows a p dimensional standard normal distribution, qχv2/v, and Z is independent of q. (Wχb2/c denotes the scaled χ2 distribution, with density proportional to wb/21ecw/2.) It differs from the multivariate normal distribution Np(μ,Σ) only by the random scaling factor q.

Ding () uses this latter property to show that the conditional distribution of X2 given X1 is X2X1tp2(μ21,v+d1v+p1Σ221,v+p1).

2 t-process regression

There are a couple of classic cases in ML where t-processes arise, e.g. in Bayes NNs () or GP literature (9.9 ). Recently there has been an uptick in actual applications of these processes in regression (; ; ; ). See Wilson and Ghahramani () for a Generalized Wishart Process construction that may be helpful? This prior is available in GPyTorch. Recent papers (; ) make it seem fairly straightforward.

At first blush it looks like it might be a more robust regression model than Gaussian process regression. However, I am not so sure. As Ding () points out, the conditional distribution of X2 given X1 jointly t4-distributed grows eventually linearly in the number of observation sites, which means that it is essentially just Gaussian for even small problems.

Some papers discuss t-process regression in terms of inference using Inverse Wishart distributions.

3 Markov t-process

Process with t-distributed increments is in fact a Lévy process, which follows from the fact that the Student-t distribution is divisible. As far as I can see here Grigelionis () is the definitive collation of results on that observation.

Figure 2

4 References

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Wilson, and Ghahramani. 2011. Generalised Wishart Processes.” In Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. UAI’11.