This material is revised and expanded from the appendix of draft versions of a recent conference submission, for my own reference. I used (deterministic) correlograms a lot in that, and it was startlingly hard to find a decent summary of their properties anywhere. Nothing new here, but… see the material about doing this in a probabilistic way via Wiener-Khintchine representation and covariance kernels which lead to a natural probabilistic spectral analysis.
Consider an signal We frequently overload notation and refer to a signal with free argument , so that for example, refers to the signal We write the inner product between signals and as . Where it is not clear what the free argument is, e.g. , we annotate it .
The correlogram maps signals to signals. Specifically, is a signal such that
This is the covariance between and (Note that we here discuss the covariance between given deterministic signals, not between two stochastic sources; covariance of stochastic processes is a broader, let alone inferring the covariance of stochastic processes.) Note also that this is what I would call an autocovariance not an auto-correlation, since it’s not normalized, but I’ll stick with the latter for now for reasons of convention.
We derive the properties of this transform.
Multiplication by a constant. Consider a constant
Time scaling:
We can say little about the term without more information about the signals in question. However, we can solve a randomized version. Suppose are i.i.d. Rademacher variables, i.e. that they assume a value in with equal probability. Then, we can introduce the following property:
Randomised addition:
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