Estimating the thing that is given to you by oracles in statistics homework assignments: the covariance matrix. Or, if the data is indexed by some parameter we might consider the covariance kernel. We are especially interested in this in Gaussian processes, where the covariance structure characterizes the process up to its mean.
I am not introducing a complete theory of covariance estimation here, merely some notes.
Two big data problems can arise here: large
Often life can be made not too bad for large
1 Bayesian
Inverse Wishart priors. 🏗 Other?
2 Precision estimation
The workhorse of learning graphical models under linearity and Gaussianity. See precision estimation for a more complete treatment.
3 Continuous
See kernel learning.
4 Parametric
4.1 Cholesky methods
4.2 on a lattice
Estimating a stationary covariance function on a regular lattice? That is a whole field of its own. Useful keywords include circulant embedding. Although strictly more general than Gaussian processes on a lattice, it is often used in that context and some extra results are on that page for now.
5 Unordered
Thanks to Rothman (2010) I now think about covariance estimates as different in ordered versus exchangeable data.
6 Sandwich estimators
For robust covariances of vector data. AKA Heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance estimators. Incorporating Eicker-Huber-White sandwich estimator, Andrews kernel HAC estimator, Newey-West and others. For an intro see Achim Zeileis, Open-Source Econometric Computing in R.
7 Incoming
- Basic inference using Inverse Wishart by having a basic “process model” that increases uncertainty of the covariance estimate.
- general moment combination tricks
- John Cook’s comparison of standard deviation estimation tricks
8 Bounding by harmonic and arithmetic means
There are some known bounds for the univariate case. Wikipedia says, in Relations with the harmonic and arithmetic means that it has been shown (Mercer 2000) that for a sample
Mond and Pec̆arić (1996) says
Let us define the arithmetic mean of
with weight as and the harmonic mean of with weight as It is well known that Moreover, if are positive definite matrices from , then the following inequality is also valid:
For multivariate covariance we are interested in the PSD matrix version of this.