Dunning-Kruger theory of institutions
Lay theories of social mechanisms
January 20, 2022 — January 20, 2022
The terrible guesses we make about how institutions work.
Placeholder. I am gathering examples of institutions that demonstrably do not work how we seem to assume, for now.
1 Incoming
Institutions designed for angels
This speaks to me: USDA Official Takes Courageous Stand Against interestate Countercyclical Potato Pricing
Weirdly high implied QALY valuation of COVID interventions (Reddy 2020; Robinson, Sullivan, and Shogren 2021)
John Sterman’s Beer Gams
- Flight Simulators for Management Education
- What the Beer Game can teach us about hoarding toilet paper
- Peter Dizikes on the history of The Beer Game
- Buy the Beer Game
Aristotle’s physics, but for institutions
Newell and Wasson’s classic study of certain predictable failures of policy (Newell and Wasson 2002)
validating models by simulation (Sterman 2009)
validating models by experiment (Hubbard 2014)
Classic conspiracies are usually based on some Dunning-Kruger theorising.