Fan fiction

October 28, 2024 — October 28, 2024

collective knowledge
game theory
social graph
Figure 1

The hothouse in which we collectively cultivate our fictions. A whole participatory universe of transformative works about pop culture properties.

AO3’s 15-year journey from blog post to fanfiction powerhouse is a core sample through the movement as it transformed in my early adulthood:

Primarily written by women, and often featuring erotica and/or queer relationships, sexism and homophobia both played a part in its denigration. Coppa, who hosted archives at the time, would sometimes have to delete stories at the request of its writers, who feared retribution in their jobs or relationships. “I would get frantic emails from people saying, ‘I’m going through a divorce and my husband is going to take my fic and tell the judge I’m an unfit mother and try to take my children. How fast can you make me disappear from the internet?’”

Coppa herself felt pressure to keep certain aspects of fandom secret. At a talk she was giving about fanfiction, an audience member pressed her: weren’t there people writing about Kirk and Spock having sex? “I remember taking a breath and saying quite consciously, ‘Yeah, there is, and it’s amazing, you should read some.’ And it was the first time I had ever done that. It was the kind of thing we all skated around.” She had nightmares about her fanfic costing her tenure track at the college she worked at and would frequently imagine how to defend herself against a hypothetical complaint about her having written sex scenes.

“But the only way through that is to lean into it,” she says. Though she still sometimes has people imply fanfic writing is a strange hobby, she responds differently. “‘Are you dead inside?’ is sort of my answer,” she laughs, comparing it to hobbyist painting, music, or knitting. “‘But isn’t some of it erotic?’ Yes. Yes, it is. It turns out women have a sexuality.”

Fanfiction is of course thirsty, as is much of fandom, and there is interesting crossover to pornography. Mind you, what part of human life does not have occasional crossover with porn?

1 Eroticism of

A foundational work is Russ ().

2 Incoming

  • Fanlore the community’s wiki about itself

  • ‘We can continue Pratchett’s efforts’: the gamers keeping Discworld alive

  • The Journal of Transformative Works and Cultures:

    Transformative Works and Cultures (TWC) is an international, peer-reviewed journal published by the Organization for Transformative Works. TWC publishes articles about transformative works, broadly conceived and articles about the fan community.

    We invite papers in all areas, including fan fiction, fan vids, film, TV, anime, fan art, comic books, cosplay, fan community, music, video games, celebrities and machinima. We encourage a variety of critical approaches, including feminism, gender studies, queer theory, postcolonial theory, audience theory, reader-response theory, literary criticism, film studies, and posthumanism. We also encourage authors to consider writing personal essays integrated with scholarship; hyperlinked articles; or other forms that test the limits of the genre of academic writing.

3 References

Driscoll. 2006. One True Pairing: The Romance of Pornography and the Pornography of Romance.” Fan Fiction and Fan Communities in the Age of the Internet.
Garner. 2016. The Erotics of Fanfiction: Queering Fans, Works, and Communities in Modern Internet Fandom.”
Hansen. 2010. The Darker Side of Slash Fanfiction on the Internet.” In New Media and the Politics of Online Communities.
Kukka. 2021. Fandom’s Pornographic Subset.” Lambda Nordica.
Meikle. 2015. Pornographic Adaptation: Parody, Fan Fiction and the Limits of Genre.” Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance.
Mixer. 2018. And Then They Boned: An Analysis of Fanfiction and Its Influence on Sexual Development.”
Russ. 1985. Pornography by Women for Women, with Love.” In Magic Mommas, Trembling Sisters, Puritans and Perverts: Feminist Essays.
Santos. 2014. Writing About Harry Potter Boinking: The Reality of Fantasy in Pornographic Fanfiction.”
Tingle. n.d. Dr. Chuck Tingle’s Complete Guide To The Void.