Karhunen-Loève expansions

September 16, 2019 — February 1, 2022

functional analysis
Hilbert space
kernel tricks
signal processing
stochastic processes

As seen in chaos expansions kind of, and used in low rank kriging, and assumed in PCA and implied by many basis decompositions etc.

Figure 1

Suppose we have a collection {φn} of real-valued functions on our index space T, and a collection {ξn} of uncorrelated random variables. Now we define the random process f(t)=n=1ξnφn(t). We might care about the first two moments of f, i.e. E{f(s)f(t)}=n=1σn2φn(s)φn(t) and variance function E{f2(t)}=n=1σn2φn2(t)

Now suppose that we have a stochastic process where the index T is a compact domain in RN. The corresponding expansion of f in the above form is known as the Karhunen-Loève expansion. Suppose that f has covariance function K and define an operator K, taking the space of square integrable functions on T to itself, by (Kψ)(t)=TK(s,t)ψ(s)ds Suppose that λ1λ2, and ψ1,ψ2,, are, respectively, the (ordered) eigenvalues and normalised eigenfunctions of the operator. That is, the λn and ψn solve the integral equation TK(s,t)ψ(s)ds=λψ(t) with the normalisation Tψn(t)ψm(t)dt={1n=m0nm These eigenfunctions lead to a natural expansion of K, known as Mercer’s Theorem, which states that K(s,t)=n=1λnψn(s)ψn(t) where the series converges absolutely and uniformly on T×T. The Karhunen-Loève expansion of f is obtained by setting φn= λn12ψn, so that ft=n=1λn12ξnψn(t). Now, when does such an expansion exist?

Because I look at signals on unbounded domains a lot, the case where a countable basis cannot be assumed to exist seems important.

1 Gaussian

An extra-fun case, when this construction induces a Gaussian process because the ξn are Gaussian. Very handy in Gaussian process regression.

2 References

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