Maximum Mean Discrepancy, Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion

August 21, 2016 — March 1, 2024

functional analysis
Hilbert space

An integral probability metric. The intersection of reproducing kernel methods, dependence tests and probability metrics; where we use an kernel embedding to cleverly measure differences between probability distributions, typically an RKHS embedding, but any old Hilbert space will do something.

Can be estimated from samples only, which is neat.

A mere placeholder. For a thorough treatment see the canonical references (Gretton et al. 2008; Gretton, Borgwardt, et al. 2012).

Figure 1

1 Tutorial

Arthur Gretton, Dougal Sutherland, Wittawat Jitkrittum presentation: Interpretable Comparison of Distributions and Models.

Danica Sutherland’s explanation is clear.

Pierre Alquier’s post Universal estimation with Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) shows how to use MMD in a robust nonparametric estimator.

Gaël Varoquaux’ introduction is friendly and illustrated, Comparing distributions: Kernels estimate good representations, l1 distances give good tests based on (Scetbon and Varoquaux 2019).

2 Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion

The HSIC is the application of the MMD to dependence testing, AFAICT.

3 Connection to optimal transport losses

Husain (2020)’s results connect IPMs to transport metrics and regularisation theory, and classification.

Feydy et al. (2019) connects MMD to optimal transport losses.

Arbel et al. (2019) also looks pertinent and has some connections to Wasserstein gradient flow, which is a thing.

4 Connection to kernelized Stein discrepancy

TBD. See Stein VGD.

5 Choice of kernel

Hmm. See Gretton, Sriperumbudur, et al. (2012).

6 Tooling

MMD is included in the ITE toolbox (estimators).

6.1 GeomLoss

The GeomLoss library provides efficient GPU implementations for:

It is hosted on GitHub and distributed under the permissive MIT license. pypi pepy

GeomLoss functions are available through the custom PyTorch layers SamplesLoss, ImagesLoss and VolumesLoss which allow you to work with weighted point clouds (of any dimension), density maps and volumetric segmentation masks.

7 Incoming

8 References

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