Model interpretation and explanation

Colorising black boxes; mechanistic interpretability

September 1, 2016 — October 7, 2024

game theory
hierarchical models
machine learning
sparser than thou
Figure 1

The meeting point of differential privacy, accountability, interpretability, the tank detection story, clever horses in machine learning: Can I explain why my model made this prediction?

Closely related: am I explaining the model so I can see if it is fair?

There is much work; I understand little of it at the moment, but I keep needing to refer to papers, so this notebook exists.

1 Impossibility results

One trick of “explainable” models is that they need to be simpler than the model they are explaining, or they would be just as incomprehensible. What is the actual trade-off? Can we sketch a Pareto frontier of interpretability and accuracy?

2 Influence functions

If we think about models as interpolators of memorised training data, then the idea of looking at influence functions from individual training data becomes powerful.

See Tracing Model Outputs to the Training Data ().

Figure 2: From the Twitter summary of Grosse et al. ()

Integrated gradients seem to be in this family. See Ancona et al. ();Sundararajan, Taly, and Yan (). The Captum implementation seems neat.

3 Shapley values

Shapley values are a fairness technique, which turns out to be applicable to explanation. These are computationally intractable in general but there are some fashionable approximations in the form of SHAP values.

Not sure what else happens here, but see (; ; ; ) for application to both explanation of both data and features.

4 Linear explanations

The LIME lineage. A neat model that uses penalised regression to do local model explanations. () See their blog post.

5 When do neurons mean something?

  • Toy Models of Superposition

    It would be very convenient if the individual neurons of artificial neural networks corresponded to cleanly interpretable features of the input. For example, in an “ideal” ImageNet classifier, each neuron would fire only in the presence of a specific visual feature, such as the color red, a left-facing curve, or a dog snout. Empirically, in models we have studied, some of the neurons do cleanly map to features. But it isn’t always the case that features correspond so cleanly to neurons, especially in large language models where it actually seems rare for neurons to correspond to clean features. This brings up many questions. Why is it that neurons sometimes align with features and sometimes don’t? Why do some models and tasks have many of these clean neurons, while they’re vanishingly rare in others?

6 By sparse autoencoder

Related, sparse autoencoder explanations. See Sparse Autoencoders for explanation.

7 By ablation

Because of its ubiquity in ML literature this has been de facto an admissible form of explanation. I am not a fan of how this is typically done. See ablation studies.

8 Incoming

9 References

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