tl;dr R is a powerful, effective, diverse, well-supported, free, messy, inefficient, de-facto standard. As far as scientific computation goes, this is outstandingly good.
1 Pros and cons
1.1 Good
- Free (beer/speech)
- Combines unparalleled breadth and community, at least as pertains to statisticians, data miners, machine learners and other such assorted folk as I call my colleagues. To get some sense of this thriving scene, check out R-bloggers. That community alone should be enough to sell R as an ecosystem, whatever you think of the technical chaos of the language itself (cf “Your community is your best asset”) And believe me, I have reservations about everything else.
- Amazing, statistically-useful plotting (cf the awful battle to get error bars in python’s mayavi)
- Online web-app visualisation: shiny
- Integration into literate coding and reproducible research through knitr — see scientific writing workflow.
1.2 Bad
- Seems to have been written by statisticians who prioritise delivering statistical functionality right now over making an elegant, fast or consistent language to access that functionality. (“Elegant”, “fast”, or ”consistent”? You can choose… uh… Oh look, none of those are performance metrics for my current role. Gotta go! Byeeeeeee!) I’d rather access those same libraries through a language which has had as many computer scientists winnowing its ugly chaff as Python or Ruby has had. Or indeed Go or Julia. And, for that matter, I’d like as many amazing third-party libraries for non-statistical things as these other languages promise, even javascript. Anyway, it is convenient for many common use cases, which is nice.
- Poetically, R has random scope amongst other parser and syntax weirdness.
- Call-by-value semantics (in a “big-data” processing language?)
- …ameliorated not even by array views,
- …exacerbated by bloaty design.
- Object model tacked on after the fact. In fact, several object models?. Which is fine? I guess?
- One of the worst names to google for ever (cf Processing, Pure)
2 Installing R
See the R package page.
3 Installing packages
See the R package page.
4 ODEs
Here is a forward solver: Package deSolve: Solving Initial Value Differential Equations in R.
Or invoke julia using JuliaCall: SciML/diffeqr: Solving differential equations in R using DifferentialEquations.jl and the SciML Scientific Machine Learning ecosystem. This supports adjoints and so on.
5 Command-line scripting
RScript is the command-line invocation for R. littler is an older one.
Loads CSV from stdin into R as a data.frame, executes given commands, and gets the output as CSV or PNG on stdout
6 Recommended config
Pro tip: if I make a per-project .Rprofile
, I still execute my user .Rprofile
6.1 UI
Aaron recommends not starting a new X server to ask you to choose a menu item:
6.2 Path surgery for linuxbrew
If I use homebrew with system R on e.g. ubuntu, things can get weird. R will sometimes use the homebrew packages and sometimes the OS packages. Confusing compilation or runtime errors ensue, things like unable to load shared object
and undefined symbol
: Also, if I switch between using homebrew and not using homebrew, the confusing compilation errors persist and can be hard to track down. In my experience at least it is best to keep linuxbrew and R as far away from one another as possible. I try to prevent R seeing linuxbrew in my R startup script .Rprofile
. This puts the .linuxbrew
paths last:
.pth = Sys.getenv("PATH")
.pths = unlist(strsplit(.pth, ":"))
.brewpthi = as.vector(unlist(lapply(.pths, function (x) grepl("brew", x))))
.nbrewpthi = as.vector(unlist(lapply(.pths, function (x) !grepl("brew", x))))
Sys.setenv(PATH=paste(paste(.pths[.nbrewpthi], collapse=":"), paste(.pths[.brewpthi], collapse=":"), sep=":"))
This one deletes them entirely and is what I use:
.pth = Sys.getenv("PATH")
.pths = unlist(strsplit(.pth, ":"))
.nbrewpthi = as.vector(unlist(lapply(.pths, function (x) !grepl("brew", x))))
Sys.setenv(PATH=paste(.pths[.nbrewpthi], collapse=":"))
Mentioning that you have done this is probably helpful to the user. I note it with the following message:
NB this is recommended if one uses linuxbrew or some similar system which leaves additional versions of existing libraries on the library path. By contrast, the packages macOS homebrew provides are generally not otherwise supported and seem to be an OK default, so I do not molest the R library paths on macOS.
7 Needful packages
Upon setting up a new machine I always run
install.packages(c("blogdown", "renv", "tinytex", "knitr", "devtools", "ggplot2"))
That gets the baseline tools I actually use.
Now, details.
7.1 The tidyverse
The tidyverse is a miniature ecosystem within R which has coding conventions and tooling to make certain data analysis easier and prettier, although not necessarily more performant.
7.2 Machine learning
R now plugs into many machine-learning-style algorithms.
For one example, you can run keras, and hence presumably tensorflow via Rstudio’s keras. Other enterprises here include mlr/mlr3
R does not define a standardized interface for its machine-learning algorithms. Therefore, for any non-trivial experiments, you need to write lengthy, tedious and error-prone wrappers to call the different algorithms and unify their respective output.
Additionally you need to implement infrastructure to
- resample your models
- optimise hyperparameters
- select features
- cope with pre- and post-processing of data and compare models in a statistically meaningful way.
As this becomes computationally expensive, you might want to parallelize your experiments as well. This often forces users to make crummy trade-offs in their experiments due to time constraints or lacking expert programming skills.
provides this infrastructure so that you can focus on your experiments! The framework provides supervised methods like classification, regression and survival analysis along with their corresponding evaluation and optimisation methods, as well as unsupervised methods like clustering. It is written in a way that you can extend it yourself or deviate from the implemented convenience methods and construct your own complex experiments or algorithms.
I think this pitch is more or less the same for caret.
There are also externally developed ML algorithms accessible from R that presumably have consistent interfaces by construction: h2o
7.3 Dataframe alternatives
data.table refines data frames in various ways, including letting dunderheaded default constructors, high performance dataset querying, and approximately the same functionality as dplyr
, but seems to be faster at e.g. sorting. It has a slightly different syntax to built-in dataframes, usually better syntax. (tutorial, introduction.
In the tidyverse tibble
provides functional style table modification
disk.frame is a friendly gigabyte-scale single machine disk-backed data store, for stuff too big for memory.
8 Reports etc
This is the R killer feature that incorporates all the other killer features. R is extremely good at outputting to many formats, even the ones that the most tedious of office procedures demand.
8.1 Shiny
shiny turns statistical models into interactive web apps. I made a notebook for that.
8.2 Blogging / reports / reproducible research
I recommend R reproducible research and miscellaneous scientific writing, as it outputs to HTML website, HTML slides, Word documents, PDFs, Powerpoint slides and probably other stuff too. blogdown, the blogging tool, and the knit rendering engine, as mentioned elsewhere comprise R’s entrant into the academic blogoverse.
David Gohel’s officeverse outputs directly to MS Office documents, notably Powerpoint and Word (Manual).
9 Testing
Academics are terrible at testing so I do not know how relevant this is, but ttdo + tinytest looks low-difficulty.
10 Plotting
IMO, the real killer feature of R.
See Plotting in R.
11 Strings
R is distractingly verbose when it comes to text.1 It has minimal string formatting baked in, although all the needful tools are there more or less. not-particularly consistent or polished functions You need to use libraries if you don’t want to have lots of paste
invocations everywhere and the usual regexes. A more mnemonic string handling library is stringr
11.1 Formatting numbers
I can’t help but feel there might be an easier way to represent a proportion as a percentage to two decimal places with the built-in infrastructure?
Depends what I mean by easier, I suppose. There is also sprintf
which does classic C formatting, which is not luxurious by modern standards but works OK
11.2 General string mangling
11.3 HTML
I recommend htmltools for generating HTML from structured data. The manual is annoyingly perfunctory and it sends you off to some other web pages which are supposed to tell you more about it but do not. Nonetheless it is pretty easy to work out. Here and here are the least perfunctory introductions. I like using it with withTags
, which creates an environment wherein every HTML tag is a function, and behaves in an obvious way. Here is my code to make a custom HTML fragment for every row in a data frame for the ozpowermap project.
popupHtml = apply(winners_sf, 1, function(r){
s = as.character(withTags({
h3(str_to_title(paste(r$GivenNm, r$Surname, paste(sep="", '(', r$PartyNm, ')'))))
dt('Winning Margin'), dd(r$Margin ),
dt('First prefs'), dd(r$FP_OrdinaryVotes),
dt('Total Votes'), dd(r$TotalVotes),
# s[[1]]
12 IDEs
13 Teaching
There are various tools and tutorials
One can also simply use one of the pre-made courses.
13.1 R for Pythonistas
Many things about R are surprising to me, coming as I do most recently from Python. I’m documenting my perpetual surprise here, in order that it may save someone else the inconvenience of going to all that trouble to be personally surprised.
13.2 Fun introductions
Stackexchange meta tutorial list.
- cheat sheets
- Monash university’s bioinformatic’s focused intro.
- CSIRO’s introduction
- Drew Conway’s strata bootcamp
- stackoverflow
- R cookbook
- Jeremy Howard of Kaggle gives a virtuous and improving presentation
- Edwin de Jonge and Mark van der Loo, Data cleaning with R
- Bob Rudis: Using R to get data out of word documents
14 Saving and loading
Save my workspace (i.e. current scope and variable definitions) to ./.Rdata
Load my workspace from ./.Rdata
15 Interoperation with other languages
See R interoperation.
16 Debugging
16.1 Introspection
Here are a list of introspection hacks:
16.2 Inspecting frames post hoc
Use recover. In fact, pro-tip, you can invoke it in 3rd party code gracefully:
16.3 Basic interactive debugger
There is at least one, called browser.
17 Tips and gotchas
17.1 Cannot load default libraries because of an invalid value for editor
The error looks like this:
Error: .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'utils', details:
call: options(op.utils[toset])
error: invalid value for 'editor'
During startup - Warning messages:
1: package ‘utils’ in options("defaultPackages") was not found
2: package ‘stats’ in options("defaultPackages") was not found
The fix is to set the environment variable $EDITOR
to an actual editor. I did that in my fish_config
Bash equivalent would be to add this to .bashrc
There are fancier options.
17.2 Opaque imports
Importing an R package, unlike importing a Python module, brings in random cruft that may have little to do with the names of the thing you just imported. That is, IMO, poor planning, although history indicates that most language designers don’t agree with me on that:
> npreg
Error: object 'npreg' not found
> library("np")
Nonparametric Kernel Methods for Mixed Datatypes (version 0.40-4)
> npreg
function (bws, …) #etc
Further, data structures in R can do, and are intended to, provide first class scopes for looking up names. You are, in your explorations into data, as apt to bring the names of columns in a data set into scope as much as the names of functions in a library. This is kind of useful, although it leads to bizarre and unhelpful errors, so watch it.
17.3 No scalar types…
A float is a float vector of size 1:
17.4 …yet verbose vector literal syntax
You make vectors by using a call to a function called c
. Witness:
If you type a literal vector in though, it will throw an error:
I’m sure there are Reasons for this; it’s just that they are reasons that I don’t care about.
17.5 Subsetting hell
To subset a list-based object:
to subset and optionally downcast the same:
to subset a matrix-based object:
to subset and optionally downcast the same:
18 Which files do I need to keep?
Here is a good .gitignore
file for R which keeps only what you need.
19 Tips
19.1 Quantile transform
19.2 package utils in defaultPackages was not found
Upon a recent restore from backup I found my R would not work any more. The errors looked like this:
During startup - Warning messages:
1: package ‘utils’ in options("defaultPackages") was not found
2: package ‘stats’ in options("defaultPackages") was not found
Weird, eh?
Try this
shared object '‘’' already loaded
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘utils’:
.onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'utils', details:
call: options(op.utils[toset])
error: invalid value for 'editor'
>R_ReplConsole(): before "for(;;)" {main.c}
Ah, there is a clue. Turns out that R needs the shell $EDITOR
variable to point to a really-existing editor or it freaks out, even if it seems never to invoke said editor.
should fix it.
20 Incoming
21 References
much like me; thanks for bearing with my prolixity↩︎