ML benchmarks and their pitfalls

On marginal efficiency gain in paperclip manufacture

August 16, 2020 — April 13, 2021

game theory
how do science
incentive mechanisms
machine learning
neural nets
Your baseline is shooting up my spine
Your baseline
Your baseline has got me feeling fine
It’s filling up my mind

with apologies to Puretone
Figure 1

Machine learning’s gamified/Goodharted version of the replication crisis is the paper treadmill wherein something counts as a “novel result” if it performs on some conventional benchmarks. But how often does that demonstrate real progress and how often is it overfitting to benchmarks?

Oleg Trott on How to sneak up competition leaderboards.

Jörn-Henrik Jacobsen, Robert Geirhos, Claudio Michaelis: Shortcuts: How Neural Networks Love to Cheat.

Sanjeev Arora, Yi Zhang, Rip van Winkle’s Razor, a Simple New Estimate for Adaptive Data Analysis has a minimum description length approach to model meta-overfitting which i will not summarize except to recommend it for being extremely psychedelic.

1 Explicit connection to Goodhart’s law

Goodhart’s law.

Filip Piekniewski on the tendency to select bad target losses for convenience. Measuring Goodhart’s Law at OpenAI.

2 Measuring speed

Lots of algorithms claim to go fast, but that is a complicated claim on modern hardware. Stabilizer attempts to randomise things to give a “fair” comparison.

3 References

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