Figure 1

Placeholder notes for a type of point process, with which I am unfamiliar, but about which I am incidentally curious.

Wikipedia says:

Let Λ be a locally compact Polish space and μ be a Radon measure on Λ. Also, consider a measurable function K:Λ2C.

We say that X is a determinantal point process on Λ with kernel K if it is a simple point process on Λ with a joint intensity/Factorial_moment_densityorcorrelation function (which is the density of its factorial moment measure) given by


for every n1 and x1,,xnΛ.

The most popular tutorial introduction to this topic seems to be (). I found it unhelpful as it is rooted in discrete-space problems which is precisely where I do not work. For continuous state space, (; ) and Terry Tao’s summary of () are good.

Interesting property: The zeros random polynomials with Gaussian coefficients are apparently to be distributed as DPPs (; ).

One idea these processes provoke is use as a source of random low-discrepancy samples for quadrature, which I have seen suggested by Richard Xu Qiao et al. () and Belhadji, Bardenet, and Chainais ().

See also its cousin, the permanental point process.

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