Poisson processes are possibly the simplest subordinators, i.e. non-decreasing Lévy processes. They pop up everywhere, especially as a representation of point processes, and as the second continuous-time stochastic process anyone learns after the Brownian motion.
1 Basics
A Poisson process \(\{\mathsf{n}\}\sim \operatorname{PoisP}(\lambda)\) is a stochastic process whose inter-occurrence times are identically and independently distributed such that \(\mathsf{t}_i-\mathsf{t}_{i-1}\sim\operatorname{Exp}(\lambda)\) (rate parameterization). By convention, we set all \(\mathsf{t}_i\geq 0\) and \(\mathsf{n}(0)=0\) a.s. The counting process that increases for each event is one convenient representation for such a process. In that case we think of the paths of the process as \(\mathsf{n}: \mathbb{R}\mapsto\mathbb{Z}^+\) such that \(\mathsf{n}(t)\equiv \sum_{i=1}^\mathsf{n}\mathbb{I}_{\{\mathsf{t}_i<t\}}\).
where \(\left\{{\begin{matrix}k\\i\end{matrix}}\right\}\) is a Touchard/Bell polynomial, whatever that is.
3 Poisson bridge
Suppose we are given the value of a Poisson process at time \(0\) and time \(1\) and are concerned with some \(t\in(0,1).\) We wish to know the conditional distribution \(P(\mathsf{n}(t)|\mathsf{n}(1)=S)\), i.e. the Poisson bridge. Using the distributions of the increments and the independence property,
&=\frac{P[\mathsf{n}(t)=n\cap \mathsf{n}(1)=S]}{P[\mathsf{n}(1)=S]}\\
&=\frac{P[\mathsf{n}(t)=n\cap \tilde{\mathsf{n}}(1-t)=S-n]}{P[\mathsf{n}(1)=S]}\\
\frac{(\lambda t)^{n}}{n!}e^{-\lambda t}
\frac{(\lambda (1-t)^{S-n})}{(S-n)!}e^{-\lambda (1-t)}
\frac{\lambda^S }{S!}e^{-\lambda }
&=\frac{(\lambda t)^{n}(\lambda (1-t))^{S-n}}{\lambda^{S}}
\frac{e^{-\lambda t}e^{-\lambda (1-t)}}{e^{-\lambda}}
&=(t)^{n} (1-t)^{S-n}
&=\operatorname{Binom}(n;S, t).
\end{aligned}\] So we can simulate a point Poisson bridge at some \(t<1\) by sampling a Binomial random variable.
4 Hitting time
Consider the hitting time of a level \(\ell\in \bb{N}\) for a Poisson process \(\mathsf{n}\).
But since \(\mathsf{t}_{k}-\mathsf{t}_{k-1} \sim \operatorname{Exp}(\lambda),\) and i.i.d. and the sum of i.i.d. Exponential variates is a Gamma variate, we have that
The Gamma process is a kind of dual to the Poisson; we can think of it as a distribution over specific hitting times of an imaginary latent Poisson process.