Polynomial bases

January 28, 2021 — July 28, 2023

functional analysis
Hilbert space
signal processing
Figure 1


You know what is a bloody great introduction to polynomial bases? Golub and Meurant (). They cram it into the first chapter and then do computational stuff in the subsequent chapters. It is excellent.

1 Fun things

Terry Tao on Conversions between standard polynomial bases.

Representation in terms of basis is useful for analysing the Natural exponential family with quadratic variance function ().

1.1 Well known facts

Xiu and Karniadakis () mention the following “Well known facts”:

All orthogonal polynomials {Qn(x)} satisfy a three-term recurrence relation xQn(x)=AnQn+1(x)(An+Cn)Qn(x)+CnQn1(x),n1 where An,Cn0 and Cn/An1>0. Together with Q1(x)=0 and Q0(x)=1, all Qn(x) can be determined by the recurrence relation.

It is well known that continuous orthogonal polynomials satisfy the second-order differential equation s(x)y+τ(x)y+λy=0 where s(x) and τ(x) are polynomials of at most second and first degree, respectively, and λ=λn=nτ12n(n1)s are the eigenvalues of the differential equation; the orthogonal polynomials y(x)= yn(x) are the eigenfunctions.

  • Convex hull of zeros

    There’s a well-known theorem in complex analysis that says that if p is a polynomial, then the zeros of its derivative p′ lie inside the convex hull of the zeros of p. 

2 Zoo

This list is extracted from a few places including Xiu and Karniadakis ().

Family Orthogonal wrt
Monomial n/a
Bernstein n/a
Legendre Unif([1,1])
Hermite N(0,1)
Laguerre xαexpx,x>0
Jacobi (1x)α(1+x)β on [1,1]
Gegenbauer (1x2)α12 on [1,1] cf Funk-Hecke formula; special case of Jacobi
Chebyshev (1x2)±1 on [1,1] Special case of Gegenbauer
Charlier Poisson distribution
Meixner negative binomial distribution
Krawtchouk binomial distribution
Hahn hypergeometric distribution
??? Unit ball Does this have a name?

3 Tools

4 References

Dugmore, Keller, McGovern, et al. 2001. Norse Greenland Settlement and Limits to Adaptation.” In Adapting to Climate Change.
Dugmore, Keller, and McGovern. 2007. Norse Greenland Settlement: Reflections on Climate Change, Trade, and the Contrasting Fates of Human Settlements in the North Atlantic Islands.” Arctic Anthropology.
Golub, and Meurant. 2010. Matrices, Moments and Quadrature with Applications.
Ismail, and Zhang. 2017. A Review of Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials.” Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society.
Morris. 1982. Natural Exponential Families with Quadratic Variance Functions.” The Annals of Statistics.
———. 1983. Natural Exponential Families with Quadratic Variance Functions: Statistical Theory.” The Annals of Statistics.
Morris, and Lock. 2009. Unifying the Named Natural Exponential Families and Their Relatives.” The American Statistician.
O’Hagan. 2013. “Polynomial Chaos: A Tutorial and Critique from a Statistician’s Perspective.”
Smola, Óvári, and Williamson. 2000. Regularization with Dot-Product Kernels.” In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. NIPS’00.
Solin, and Särkkä. 2020. Hilbert Space Methods for Reduced-Rank Gaussian Process Regression.” Statistics and Computing.
Voelker, Kajic, and Eliasmith. n.d. “Legendre Memory Units: Continuous-Time Representation in Recurrent Neural Networks.”
Withers. 2000. A Simple Expression for the Multivariate Hermite Polynomials.” Statistics & Probability Letters.
Xiu, and Karniadakis. 2002. The Wiener-Askey Polynomial Chaos for Stochastic Differential Equations.” SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.
Xu. 2001. Orthogonal Polynomials and Cubature Formulae on Balls, Simplices, and Spheres.” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Numerical Analysis 2000. Vol. V: Quadrature and Orthogonal Polynomials,.
———. 2004. Polynomial Interpolation on the Unit Sphere and on the Unit Ball.” Advances in Computational Mathematics.
Zhao, Castañeda, Salacup, et al. 2022. Prolonged Drying Trend Coincident with the Demise of Norse Settlement in Southern Greenland.” Science Advances.