Sparse regression

June 23, 2016 — January 24, 2025

estimator distribution
functional analysis
linear algebra
model selection
signal processing
sparser than thou
Figure 1

Penalised regression where the penalties are sparsifying. This is implicitly a sparse model selection procedure, where we are trying to estimate a model with fewer predictors than the original. The prediction losses could be anything — likelihood, least-squares, robust Huberized losses, absolute deviation, etc. Modern overviews of the whole field are, e.g. Desboulets () and J. Fan and Lv ().

Why might be want to be sparse? Many reasons! We might want to be able to interpret the model more easily, we might want to compute it efficiently with constrained resources, we might want to compress it, we might think the real work truly is parismonious

Mostly we implicitly assume a predictive loss minimisation framework in this notebook; Things look surprisingly different in Bayesian sparsity and even in frequentist Maximum Likelihood estimation.

Sparse regression in its most popular flavours is closely coupled to the clever optimisation methods which are used to make it go.

Interesting other concepts which connect: compressed sensing, matrix factorisations, multiple testing, concentration inequalities, …


Linear or generalised linear regression under quadratic predictive loss penalty and absolute coefficient penalty.

In the classic form we estimate the regression coefficients β by solving


The penalty coefficient λ is left for you to choose, but one of the magical properties of the lasso is that it is easy to test many possible values of λ at low marginal cost.

Popular because, amongst other reasons, it turns out to be fast and convenient, and amenable to various performance accelerations e.g. aggressive approximate variable selection.

2 In Model Interpretation

Sparse regression as a universal classifier explainer?

Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations () is a sparse regression model that explains the predictions of a black-box classifier; see model interpretation.

3 Adaptive LASSO

🏗 This is the one with famous oracle properties if you choose λ correctly. Hsi Zou’s explanation () is readable. I am having trouble digesting van de Geer’s paper () on the Generalised Lasso, but it seems to offer me guarantees for something very similar to the Adaptive Lasso, with more general assumptions on the model and loss functions, and some finite sample guarantees.


A confusing one; LASSO and LARS are not the same thing but you can use one to calculate the other? Something like that? I need to work this one through with pencil and paper.

5 Graph LASSO

As used in graphical models. 🏗

6 Elastic net

Combination of L1 and L2 penalties. 🏗

7 Grouped LASSO

AFAICT this is the usual LASSO but with grouped factors. See ().

Figure 2

8 Relaxed Lasso


9 Dantzig Selector


10 Garotte


11 Degrees-of-freedom penalties

See degrees of freedom.


FOCI, a sparse model selection procedure () based on Chatterjee’s ξ statistic as an independence test. (). Looks interesting.


FRISO () is a sparse model selection procedure for functional data.

14 Stability selection


For now see mplot for an introduction.

15 Debiased LASSO

There exist a few versions, but the one I have needed is (), section 2.1. See also (). (🏗 relation to ()?)

16 Sparse basis expansions

Wavelets etc; mostly handled under sparse dictionary bases.

17 Sparse neural nets

That is, sparse regressions as the layers in a neural network? Sure thing. ()

18 Other coefficient penalties

Put a weird penalty on the coefficients! E.g. “Smoothly Clipped Absolute Deviation” (SCAD). 🏗

19 Other prediction losses

Put a weird penalty on the error! MAD prediction penalty, lasso-coefficient penalty, etc.

See (; ) for some implementations using e.g. maximum absolute prediction error.

20 Implementations

Hastie, Friedman et al.’s glmnet for R is fast and well-regarded, and has a MATLAB version. Here’s how to use it for adaptive lasso. Kenneth Tay has implemented elasticnet penalty for any GLM in glmnet.

SPAMS (C++, MATLAB, R, python) by Mairal looks interesting. It’s an optimisation library for many, many sparse problems.

liblinear also includes lasso-type solvers, as well as support-vector regression.

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