Being stroppy

For malcontents too perverse to be contrarian like everyone else

March 4, 2022 — January 26, 2025

collective knowledge
game theory
social graph

Content warning:

Links to and discussion of edgy people with perverse opinions on hot-button topics too diverse to mention but which surely include gender, eugenics, speech and religion

Notes on eccentrics, mavericks, outsider geniuses and fools. What my family called stroppy people.

Lacking an identifiable label so you show up in diversity metrics? Not sure whether you are rebelling against society or conforming to a subgroup? How do you get by as a mad outsider? Will you be right twice a day?

Do you want to find a rationale for people like you? How about the justification that you are useful for innovation? Or be an outlier without a cause?

Figure 1

1 Crazy ideas are mostly wrong

Case studies?

2 Eccentricity and group context

For an interesting perspective on whether taking one for the team and being the house oddball is worthwhile, see Olga Khazan on Living and Flourishing While Being Weird ().

Figure 2

3 Genius or madness?

For the really interesting cases, this question only works ex ante.

4 Interesting people

5 Incoming

Figure 3: Thanks Jim Benton
Figure 4

6 References

Faux. 2023. Number Go Up: Inside Crypto’s Wild Rise and Staggering Fall.
Georgi. 2022. Physics in a Diverse World or A Spherical Cow Model of Physics Talent.” arXiv:2203.09485 [Hep-Ph, Physics:hep-Th, Physics:physics].
Kashdan. 2021. The Art of Insubordination: How to Dissent and Defy Effectively.
Khazan. 2021. Weird: The Power of Being an Outsider in an Insider World.
Lewis. 2023. Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon.
Page. 2008. The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies - New Edition.
Stephens, Rivera, and Townsend. 2020. “What Works to Increase Diversity? A Multi-Level Approach.” Research in Organizational Behavior.
Syed. 2020. Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking.
Touboul. 2019. The Hipster Effect: When Anticonformists All Look the Same.”