Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder

September 24, 2022 — April 18, 2024


Content warning:

Mental health

Figure 1: This page has merch on my redbubble store.

Another cognitive way of being that I am interested in. Also interesting: depression, addiction, personality disorders, autism, gender dysphoria, and generally, having feelings etc.

My expertise on this topic is minimal, but I would like it to be better because ADHD is probably the most salient in my personal life.

Figure 2

1 Medicating

Curious about the psychopharmacology of stimulants in particular, e.g. Handelman and Sumiya (). Why do they work?

Also curious about the political economy of stimulants in the medicalization economy.

2 Involvement in modern attention economy

In a political economy dominated by the war for salience, what niche does ADHD fill? Is ADHD a risk factor? An adaptive response? A side effect?

3 What even is mindfulness?

I don’t know. See meditation for now.

4 Implications for learning

We tend to think about attention, in part, as a learning mechanism now. What does ADHD say about the human learning mechanism?

Pollak ():

Indeed, children with ADHD needed more trials to reach the criterion, suggesting poor learning. However, they needed more trials under both the constant and the partial reinforcement conditions. On the extinction phase, children with ADHD made fewer previously-rewarded choices, suggesting faster extinction, as predicted by the DTD.

The combination of slow learning and fast extinction might seem surprising, as participants must learn the new rewards regimen in the extinction phase. Conversely, this combination is understandable; forgetting something one did not learn well is easier. Therefore, the results suggest that children with ADHD have a fundamental learning deficit, which is independent of whether the reinforcement is constant or partial.

See also (; ; ; ).

5 Incoming

Figure 3: Thanks Oglaf

6 Incoming

7 References

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Berman, Kuczenski, McCracken, et al. 2009. Potential Adverse Effects of Amphetamine Treatment on Brain and Behavior: A Review.” Molecular Psychiatry.
Blum, Thanos, Oscar-Berman, et al. 2015. Dopamine in the Brain: Hypothesizing Surfeit or Deficit Links to Reward and Addiction.” Journal of Reward Deficiency Syndrome.
Cassidy. 2015. The Attention-Deficit-Disorder Economy.” The New Yorker.
Caye, Swanson, Coghill, et al. 2019. Treatment Strategies for ADHD: An Evidence-Based Guide to Select Optimal Treatment.” Molecular Psychiatry.
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Hulsbosch, Beckers, De Meyer, et al. n.d. Instrumental Learning and Behavioral Persistence in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity-Disorder: Does Reinforcement Frequency Matter? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
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Nissan, Hertz, Shahar, et al. 2023. Distinct Reinforcement Learning Profiles Distinguish Between Language and Attentional Neurodevelopmental Disorders.” Behavioral and Brain Functions.
Pedersen, Albris, and Seaver. 2021. The Political Economy of Attention.”
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Sciberras, Streatfeild, Ceccato, et al. 2022. Social and Economic Costs of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Across the Lifespan.” Journal of Attention Disorders.
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Volkow. 2006. Stimulant Medications: How to Minimize Their Reinforcing Effects? American Journal of Psychiatry.
Yanofski. 2011. The Dopamine Dilemma—Part II: Could Stimulants Cause Tolerance, Dependence, and Paradoxical Decompensation? Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience.